Sometimes, First Impressions Suck.

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Warnings- mature, self-h*rm, mentions of su*cide, angst

Short introduction/abstract

         P03 and y/n are good ol' buddies! Well, kind of. After some unfortunate circumstances, you have to work for him. Over time, he begins to enjoy your company, and vice versa. However, the emotions between a human and a robot can be a little confusing.

y/n goes by she/they

Also, P03 may be a little out of character and OCish at times, but it is definitely still him lol. 


{3rd Person POV}

          It's a quiet evening in the factory- as expected. The faint sounds of machinery whirring, various robot workers focusing intently on their jobs, the occasional clank of metal being dropped or knocked against something... ya know, the usual. P03 had been working on a new card prototype when one of his security alerts went off. Apparently, one of his bots had gotten stuck in some mud because it had wandered too far from the factory's territory. Irritated, P03 sent a few more to go get it out. About 30 minutes later, the security alerts showed up again. 

         "For F#*%! sake. Do I have to do everything myself around here?" He said as he angrily placed his cards down in front of him. Somehow, they all managed to go and get stuck as well. 

         He made his way out of the factory, following the radar signals of the bots. 'Why the hell did they go so far?' He thought to himself. Once he arrived at the pathetic scene, he noticed something right on the outskirts of his property. Something unfamiliar. 

         There was a small cottage. It was painted yellow and had vines growing on the sides. It had flowers and bushes planted around it and had a thin gravel path leading up to its pale pink door. However, the most noticeable thing was the mud pits surrounding it like a moat. 'Gross,' he frowned. Irritated, he went up to the door and knocked aggressively.

         ... No one answered. 

         He went to knock even harder when the door swung open. His claw made contact with the face of the person occupying the little home. P03 jolted backward a bit, not expecting someone to actually answer.

         "Ow... Uh, can I help you? Oh, you're... P03 right?" Y/n rubbed their forehead in pain, knowing that it was gonna bruise at some point.

         "Yeah, you can f%*#@!$ help me! Your 'pitfalls' have trapped all of my workers. Get them out!" He yelled again with his annoyed expression.

         "...Okay," y/n responded with no emotion, which somewhat pissed P03 off even more. 

         He stood and watched as y/n pulled the helpless robots out one by one. They apologized to each one she helped, followed by small comments such as "here ya go lil buddy," or "are you alright?" Only some of them responded. 

         "Do not speak to them! Who the hell even are you?" He shouted, clearly still agitated. 

         "Don't tell me what to do, loser. I will spray you with my hose. I'm y/n." She didn't care to look at him until she rubbed the mud off of the last one with her hands. 

         His eye twitched. 'Loser? LOSER?! I'm gonna kill them.' He looked like he was going to explode as his body vibrated. Again, y/n did not care as they stared at him, becoming more and more impatient. 

         "Uh, can you get off my property now? It's not my fault that your buddies mindlessly walked onto my land." She crossed her arms in annoyance, waiting for him to leave. 

         "First of all, they are NOT my buddies. They work under me. Second of all, "y/n," you annoy me. How dare you insult me?! Do NOT undermine my creations. After all, I made them," he stated with a smug expression. He thought to himself for a moment. 

         "You know what? You will be working for me now. You will see just how intense and superior I am to a mortal, organic, fleshly being like yourself!" P03 responded with the bothersome ego and cockiness that anyone would expect. However, it wasn't until after he finished his threat that he realized that he just invited the human to his factory.

         "??? Um no? Bye. Don't come back." Y/n started to walk back to their home. 

         P03 realized that it was too late to go back on his word, not wanting to look weak to the human. 

         "Fine, fine. Well, you better be alert tonight, or matter of fact, the rest of your time living here. Sometimes, the occasional fire breaks out around these parts," he said with his smug expression.

         Y/n paused once she reached the door handle. Usually, she doesn't give a shit about threats, but she has some important stuff in her home; some things she can never replace; some things she can't afford to lose. 

         "... Give me a minute."

         'DAMNIT I DIDN'T EXPECT THEM TO AGREE,' he internally chastised himself as she disappeared into her home. 

         Y/n got changed out of their comfortable leisure outfit and into her working outfit. She spends most of her life as a nomad, traveling from place to place around the world. She had just recently traveled to this cluster of islands and set up a home. Her navigation guide listed the names of the occupants, but not much else. Usually, she doesn't like to be tied down to places for too long, but after a recent tragedy, she felt the need to settle down for a bit. She does various tasks, such as landscaping or domestic chores, at each island she visits take make a bit of cash for her next adventure.

         She put on some boots that have been stained by the earth, a pair of baggy jeans that have gotten some rips and tears over time, a large sweatshirt with leather elbow patches, some hefty working gloves, and a bag full of various things. 

         When she returned, P03 was a little shocked at how different they looked. Initially, she looked like some shitty brat with unsupported threats, but now she looks like she could kick his ass, which he wasn't a fan of. He also felt semi-vulnerable since he had already sent his bots back before him. 

         "... let's go," she responded a little upset but walked on anyways.

          They made their way to the factory in silence, P03 leading the way. All P03 could think about was his regret for making this deal, and all y/n could think about is how she regretted agreeing and not standing her ground. Well, it is what it is. 

         They had finally arrived. The atmosphere was dark and depressing. You can hear the hissing and humming of various machines inside. 'This is gonna be fucking miserable,' she thought. 

         "Well, human, you better prepare yourself for you're going to be worked into the ground." He said this with his normal expression. He wasn't sure if it was true or not, considering that he's technically never had a human work for him. 

         "I can handle it. I've worked for worse people and creatures for previous jobs," they responded casually. 

        P03 was slightly intrigued by this statement. 'Worse jobs? Surely not from the other Scrybes. She's not from around here.' 

         Alas, they were inside. 

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