This is Humiliating.

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{3rd Person POV}

         P03 Booted up his system and found himself still in the same room. However, it was now tinted a bit grey rather than being lit up by Y/n's desk light; it was early the next morning. He elevated himself up off the ground and turned to look at you. 'They are still sleeping,' he thought to himself. Rather than waking her up, he quietly looked around her home. 

         You had so many collections. In the end, he decided that his favorite ones included your large set of hand-painted mugs, your pins, your dried flowers, and your old glass medicine bottles. As much as he hates "organic" things and stuff produced by humans, he thinks these all suit you well. 

         One thing that caught his eye was your small shelf and rack of clothes. They were all fairly the same style you typically wear; industrial, convenient, and comfortable. However, mixed into the bunch was a clothing article that he couldn't define. It was an off-white- almost pale yellow- piece with tiny flowers printed all over it. It was very thin and delicate looking. It puzzled him a bit, but he just moved on. 

         Despite only being here for a single night, P03 started to understand why humans like to have a place to call home; a place to return to and feel safe. 

         He decided that it would be best to leave and head back to the factory before you woke up. He made his way to the door and was about to turn the handle, but suddenly his screen glitched and he staggered for a brief second. 

         '... My fucking battery is about to die. Of course it is. Damn it.' He lowered to the floor for a moment to preserve his remaining battery while thinking of a plan. 'No way I can ask the human for help. How embarrassing. Absolutely not.' He tried to get up again, but his effort was futile. 

         "Uhhh you alright there lil buddy?" You had woken up a few minutes ago when you heard some commotion. He quickly turned his screen toward you, not aware that you had woken up. 

         "Don't call me that! Yes, I'm fine. Don't talk to me." He turned to face the door, but he didn't move. His screen expressed ellipses.

         "Wait, is something actually wrong? Are you stuck or something?" Now you were a bit concerned and walked towards him. 

         "Stay away from me," he shouted, "my... battery is low, so I will just need to take my time getting back." He weakly reached out to the door once again but his arm dropped. 



         "LMAOOO!" You let out a hardy laugh at him. Who would've ever guessed that the mean and grumpy box of bolts that endlessly criticizes the inefficiency of humans could be so helpless? 

         "DON'T LAUGH AT ME, B!%&#! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" He weakly shook his claw at you with a pissed-off expression. You were still laughing, unable to respond until you calmed down. 

         "Ahhh I'm sorry, it's just so ironic. You talk big for someone who only has enough power to function for a single day- if even that. Okay, okay, what can I do for ya?" I still had a gloating grin which pissed him off, but he just sighed. 

         "Fine. So I need you to go back to the factory. Once you are there, head up to my lab room and from there you will go..." He went on with this long list of directions and steps to get to his batteries/power source. 'Hell no. I'm not doing all of that,' I groaned to myself. 

         "Absolutely not. That's such a waste of time. I'll just carry you." I walked over behind him and picked him up with my forearms under the sides of his "monitor."

         "WAIT NO PUT ME DOWN, HUMAN! KEEP YOUR GRIMY HANDS OFF OF ME!" He tried to flail around in retaliation but was simply too weak to do so. You stood there for a minute until he admitted defeat. 

         "Okay, let's go!" You said, managing to twist the doorknob open with one of your occupied hands. 

         "...This is humiliating." He sulked, you couldn't see his screen, but he had a bit of a blue tint across it.

         The two of you made your way across the land. Of course, P03 complained the whole way there. You would occasionally adjust your grip so he wouldn't drop by slightly tossing him back towards your elbows. He would yell at you each time for freaking him out. 

         "You're gonna break my whole damn body."

         "You're fine."

         "Aren't I too heavy to carry? Your weak arms should be given out any minute now." 

         "I have to carry stuff much heavier than you to and from my boat all the time. I am strong, you stupid robot."

         "... Are we there yet?"

         "Shut up."

~Timeskip past the remaining walk to the factory~

         You had to carry him past some of his workers, some of which stopped to stare. P03 would yell at them to quit gawking and get back to work to which they quickly obliged. 

         "Alright here you go, boss." You sat him down in his usual place and he replaced his power. After some time, he hovered up and rotated various parts of his body. 

         "That was awful. It felt like each part of my sockets and rotators would never work again," he complained, mostly to himself. "Tch, I'll need to keep some power banks stored at your place so it doesn't happen again."

         "At my place? Are you implying that you will come for a visit again in the future?" I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked with a slightly teasing tone. 

         "Perhaps, but it will be on my own time, so don't ask me because I will say no." He snapped back. 

         "Okay! That works for me! It's very rare for people to voluntarily visit me- not that I generally want them to, but I'll make an exception for you. Alright then, I'll be helping the dredger out for a bit. If you need me, you'll likely find me there. See ya," you responded with a wave and made your way to the hall.

         '... What a weirdo. I give you my thanks, human.' He thanked you to himself quietly, not wanting you to hear or know that he appreciated the help. 

         "Aye, no problem buddy!" You turned around and smiled then left. Your answer caught him off guard. His screen went to a light blue-tinted blush. 

         "... Don't call me that." He said, even though he knows that you officially could not hear him anymore. 

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