Don't leave Sad People Alone

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TW: self-harm and mentions of suicide

{Y/n's POV}

         It's a cold winter morning. There is not much snow, but I would see a snowflake every now and then. I do not have a fireplace in my home, so I convinced P03 to make me a small heater. He agreed with his usual irritation, but, of course, made his workers do it. 

         Now I'm sitting here in bed reflecting on my life and how things have been going. The past few months here on this archipelago of islands have been great. It feels like a breath of fresh air- like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can finally relax. Don't get me wrong- I love traveling and all of my stunning excursions worldwide, but a break is nice nonetheless. 

         To add to all of this, I have finally made a real friend (even though P03 would never admit that). I have some from other islands, but the past is in the past, and I never revisit the same place. I was never too close with them anyways. I like to keep to myself, find work to pay for supplies, and set off. 

         P03 is great. At first, I detested the box of bolts for making me work at his dystopian factory on such a desolate island. I love nature and wildlife; I find comfort in knowing that there is life around me. I mean, the bots here are sentient, but sometimes it feels a little weird. They are robots. Their responses and functions are limited to what they have been coded to understand. 

         I suppose humans are the same and we all have similar reactions to things. We get hit and it hurts. Something jumps out at us and we get scared. A pet we love so much passes away and we are heartbroken. Of course, there are some exceptions, but, in the end, we are all very cause-and-effect-driven creatures. However, emotions drive us, not codes.  

         That is the one thing that keeps me feeling a bit alone here. Robots do not show much emotion, well, I suppose some of them show some negative and neutral ones, like P03, but that's it. The more we talk and are around each other, the more he shows positive emotions, but I feel that there is a limit to that emotional aspect. 

         To be honest... I think I like him. Like like him. Maybe I'm wrong. I've never had that feeling myself. The only thing that makes me believe that it is true is the fact that it hurts my heart and soul a little knowing he does not reciprocate the emotion. He can't return such an emotion. 

         I sighed and rolled over onto my stomach and hid my face in my pillow until I needed to breathe. 'Well, this isn't a great way to feel. I kinda miss not being able to feel things. However, thanks to that shitty microwave, I can. Ugh,' I thought. 

         The robot boss has given me more days off knowing that the walk through the cold atmosphere is agonizing, but I still try to make my way there as much as possible. I usually love being alone, but the silence has been deafening lately. I've been stuck with thoughts that haven't been great, so I think it's best to keep myself distracted. 

{3rd Person POV}

         A few weeks have gone by, and you have continued to try and make your way to the factory every day or few days. He doesn't come by your place anymore because "the cold weather is unbearable for a robot." You always feel happier once you get there and see P03, the robot that keeps you motivated to work each day. 

         He also appreciates her company. He always knows when she arrives from the sound of her footsteps. They are much lighter and quicker than the ones of the bots that walk. He always waits impatiently for her to reach his room, and once she does, he insults her in some way, joking, of course. She usually just laughs and picks on him in return. 

The Nomad | Inscryption P03 x ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin