You can't save them all

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Author's note- Bear with me if this chapter seems rushed or just out of place I will be switching to Hope for a little and then  back to Ameila. Some scenes in the episode I might not include in the chapter so if you get confused or want to refer to the episode for those scenes it is Season 2 episode 13.

After Hope had caught Landon trying to learn how to fly again Landon noticed her mind spinning.

Landon-What's wrong?
Hope-I had a dream last night that you were hurt and I-I couldn't save you.
Landon-It's the prophecy, right? Look, just because I hovered off the ground once doesn't mean that I'm the hero who rises. It could be Wade, for all we know.  He's the one with actual wings.
Hope - No, Dorian said that there is a golden arrow in the inventory of our stolen arsenal. What if it is the one thing that can kill a phoenix?
Landon-Then you'll Superwoman in and save the day, like you always do.
Hope- Except I'm pretty much failing as a hero lately. I have no idea how to bring the Saltzmans and my sister back
Landon-. I know I know you feel like you have to fix this
Hope-Because I do. If I don't bring them back, no one else will. If I could just talk to them I need them back. I need my sister and Dr. Saltzman would know what to
Landon- That's not an option. You told me that astral projection into a prison world is dangerous. Look, I know you feel like this is all on you, but you're not alone. You have me. We'll figure it out. Co-heroes, remember?
Hope-Fine. But this co-hero is officially banned from flight attempt until the golden arrow is found, okay? No putting myself in danger.
Landon-No risky astral projection. Deal?

Landon holds out his pinky which Hope takes hers and wraps it around

Hope- deal

Josie and Ric walked through the woods looking for Ameila and Lizzie

Ric-Josie, talk to me.
Josie-There this way. I can feel them.
Ric-Why did you break the Sandclock?
Josie-I can't remember.
Ric-Well, are you okay? I mean, are you in pain?
Josie-No. For the first time in my life, everything feels clear. There.

Josie points to a car that was crashed into a tree. Lizzie was barely awake while amelia was fully passed on head on the dashboard. The two girls covered in blood and glass. Josie and Ric ran over

Ric-Lizzie. Lizzie. It's okay, honey. Easy does it.
Lizzie-Dad Something's wrong. It feels like my mind is breaking.
Ric-It's okay. Easy does it.

Lizzie sits up coughing slightly as she looks over at Amelia

Lizzie- omg Ameila! Is she ok? Omg I killed my best friend...

Hearing this Josie emotionless state looks over at Ameila and for a second her eyes turn back to there natural brown which fills with concern and love. Love.... in that moment deep down she knew she was in love with Ameila Mikaelson

Josie- Mels. Wake up

Ameila eyes snapped open fully covered black which caused Josie to return to her emotionless state as Ameilas blue eyes took over as she groaned in pain

Ric- We need to get them to the hospital. Everything's gonna be just fine.
Lizzie- Dad, I drank vampire blood. Please don't let me die.
Ric-You're not gonna die
Lizzie- Mels I'm so sorry this is my fault
Ameila- liz its gonna be ok

Ric picks up Lizzie as Ameila slowly gets out of the car and Ric goes to reach for her but she waves him off

Ameila- i'll be fine. I can start healing soon

Ameila starts to sway and Josie catches her

Josie- don't be stubborn lets go

They got the girls to the hospital and put them both on the beds. Both girls growing weaker and pale

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