1- hallway crush

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He's always there? Why is he always there?

His cocky nature and loud personality would normally make George despise him, but there was something endearing about that smile. And those eyes. And that laugh. George couldn't quite put his finger on it, but he wished he would stop having to pass him in the hallways everyday, because maybe that would make his mind quieten, and not be so filled with thoughts of his smile. His eyes. His laugh. Oh God, what was wrong with him?

Will was the bearer of the endearing eyes, smile and laugh. George shared no classes with the boy, but he always seemed to be walking the same way as him to his lessons. George noted how he was always surrounded by the same, small group of people. He wasn't necessarily popular, but well-known.

Will was tall, which George always blamed as the reason why he spotted him all the time, and definitely not because he was looking out for him. He had short, cropped hair that was often tucked into a beanie. His face was hardly ever relaxed, always smiling or displaying a look of mock-horror or anger. His gestures were very animated. He was left handed.

For God Sake, George needed to stop thinking about this boy. He was driving him crazy.

George suppressed a physical shudder as he walked into his English lesson, trying to shake away his thoughts, and he sat down in his assigned seat at the back of the classroom, and quietly began unpacking his bag.

"You alright, George?" He looked up. His friend, James, was waving his hand before his face. "Thought I'd lost you in your thoughts for a moment there."

"Shut up," George rolled his eyes and zipped up his bag. James smirked as he slid into the seat just in front of him.

English was George's favourite subject, and he was the best in his class at it, but he didn't like to brag. They were currently studying Romeo and Juliet, and although George loved the works of Shakespeare, he hated this sappy love story. It was totally implausible to fall in love with someone and only three days later be willing to die for them. The world simply didn't work that way.

"'Scuse me, miss?"

All heads turned to the door, and when he looked, George's heart dropped into his stomach.

Knuckle poised to knock, Will was standing on the threshold, looking around like he didn't quite know where he was. George immediately bowed his head and busied himself in flipping through his book.

"Uh, I've been moved to this class?" Will began. "I think it's this class?" He whirled around to look at the door number. "Uh, yeah, B27."

"Oh yes, you must be Will," the teacher looked around the class. "Yes, there's a seat there by George."

Hearing his name, George instinctively looked up. His teacher was pointing him out at the back of the classroom and gesturing to the empty seat next to him. He momentarily met Will's eyes, and then instantly regretted it, feeling his heart plummet even further, if possible. Will smiled and confidently strode over to him, his bag slung over one shoulder.

George fought for his composure, trying desperately to keep his face from turning bright red, but he could tell from the warmth spreading in his cheeks that he was unsuccessful, so he ducked his head down, for once thankful of his long-ish hair.

The boy next to him was quietly unpacking his bag. His pencil case was covered in scribbles and small doodles. His pen was missing the pen lid. George noticed as he reached out for his book, that Will's hand was also covered in various scribbles and small 'notes-to-self', such as 'do history homework' and 'finish science essay'. Any other phrases were too hard to read. George tore his eyes away from Will's hands, and tried to focus on Shakespeare, which he had never before found so difficult.

They were studying the final few scenes of the play- the tragic ending where both of the main characters end up killing themselves in a fruitless act to signify their undying love. They were studying the significance of Romeo drinking the poison, and Juliet stabbing herself with his dagger when she woke up. The questions they were asked about this scene were relatively easy, but George was struggling to keep his pen steady, as he watched Will writing next to him. His tongue poked through his teeth when he was concentrating. His eyebrows creased when he didn't understand something. His writing was sloppy and printed, but was slightly neater on the left page of his book. George turned away and continued writing the answer down to question six.

"Hey?" a voice whispered. "What's question three?"

George looked up, and was met with Will's eyes. He blinked gormlessly.

"Huh?" he managed to ask.

"Question three," Will repeated, a smile growing on his face. "It says 'what were Romeo's last words?'"

George's mouth moved but he did not speak for a moment. Will watched him, waiting for an answer, and George could only will his throat to work.

"Um...'Th-thus with a kiss, I die,'" he finally stammered.

"Thanks," Will smiled his endearing smile, and turned back to his work. "I couldn't remember it."

"That's...fine," George breathed, before putting his pen to paper, though not writing as fluently as he had been before. But perhaps his conversation (if you could call it that) with Will hadn't gone as bad as he had previously expected.

"You write a lot," Will commented, gently lifting up George's wrist to marvel at his page. His hands were soft. The phrase 'remember p.e kit' was scrawled along his thumb.

"Th-thanks?" George could feel his heart beating against his chest. Will chuckled. The sound of it made George's heart beat faster.

"Sorry, I sound pushy," he said. "I'm Will."

I know.

"I'm George," he muttered. Will beamed again, before turning back to his work. George did the same, but his concentration had faltered severely. He felt an elbow nudge him.

"Do you know the answer to question four?" 

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