8- romeo and juliet

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George had no idea how he had let himself get to this point. Sunday night, or rather early Monday morning, he lay in bed, staring at his ceiling. He had not spoken a word to Will. No texts, no calls, no visits. But Will hadn't made an effort either.

He rolled over in the dark, the shifting of his blankets the only sound that George had heard for the past...hour? How long had he spent staring in silence at his walls? How long had he spent with this aching feeling in his heart? It was rather pathetic.

Pathetic how much he missed Will, pathetic how much he had regretted running away, pathetic how he didn't even know why he'd done it. It was all just pathetic.

So many times throughout the day he had opened his chat with Will. He hadn't typed a message out, let alone sent one, but just sat in the chat. At every half-second, he expected (almost wished) that he would see Will's bitmoji spring up in the corner. Then that would be a sign that he was thinking about George. That he maybe did still care about him.

James had messaged him to ask how his date was. George hadn't replied. He couldn't find the words to say and whenever he started to type he would just delete it again, so he eventually turned off his phone in frustration.

It was all just pathetic.

Deciding that the self- depreciation in the silence of his room was no help, George rolled over and picked up his phone. He scrolled through twitter for a moment, mindlessly liking and retweeting posts. Then he resorted to instagram, tapping through stories and scrolling through his feed. Then he looked at snapchat and the aching feeling in his heart resumed. The feeling that made him want to tear out his organs and squeeze the juices from his brain.

Slowly, he tapped on the icon. He opened the chat. Of course his messages were at the top of the list. He opened the chat.

George almost physically jumped when he saw Will's bitmoji already sitting in the corner, the animated smiling face almost jeering down at him. His heart thudded.

They both sat in the chat, waiting for the other to speak. George's heart leapt to his throat as Will finally began to type.

why are you up?

With slightly shaking hands, he typed out a response.

i could say the same to you

They both paused for an uncomfortably long time.

i'm sorry
for saturday
not for being up late

i'm sorry
for leaving you to walk home in the rain

ruined my jacket
it's still soggy

George smiled softly.

i miss you
so bad
i want to see you

i miss you too
and i want to see you so bad as well

then come over


you remember the way, don't you?

well yeah
does this mean i've earned bedroom privileges?

if you come and see me, yeah
come over quick
pls 🥺

see you in a min x

George beamed excitedly, closing down snapchat and sitting up in his bed. The slight nervousness in his stomach was overshadowed by his excitement- excitement at the fact that he was going to see Will.


Two in the morning. How was Will ever going to get to George's place at two in the morning?

He didn't bother to change out of his pyjamas, only shrugged on a dark blue hoodie and his vans, and slipped into the night.

thus with a kiss i dieWhere stories live. Discover now