6- coffee shops

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Even from over the Facetime call, it was clear how James enjoyed the scene he surveyed. George was hovering in front of the mirror hanging on his wall, flattening his hair almost frantically. James cocked his brow, an amused smile lingering on his face.

"Does my hair look alright, James?" he turned to his propped up phone and his face instantly morphed into a blasé expression. "What?" he demanded. James giggled.

"You," he said. "You're fretting so much about this date with Will-" George opened his mouth to argue but was cut off "-and don't say it isn't a date when you're both going out for coffee. Coffee!" James was very clearly incredulous.

"It's not a date," George insisted, attempting to fix his hair again. It sprang back up right afterwards, much to his dismay. "I just...I don't know Will is different."

"I bet you never fret this much about your hair when you meet with me," James jokingly rolled his eyes. "It's definitely because you fancy him."

"No, and it's because I don't like you," George resolved. James acted greatly offended at this, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Your hair looks fine, mate," he stated, as George returned to the mirror for the sixteenth time.

"You sure?" he didn't seem convinced.

"George, I will walk to your house and hit you. Your hair looks fine," James insisted again. "Now go finish getting ready for lover boy."

Without another word, George flipped James off and hung up the call. Before he did anything else, he stole a glance at the mirror again and quickly fixed his hair.


Will bit his lip as he examined the brown jacket he wore, standing before the mirror in his room. With slightly trembling hands, he rolled the sleeves up and then back down again, he pulled the hem further down, then shrugged it back up, he pulled the jacket further up his shoulders, and then let it hang again just below them. But nothing looked quite right. After a moment of thought, he shrugged off the jacket and picked up a green, collared one, but just as quickly threw that at his floor in frustration. He was about to pick up the green jacket again, when his phone vibrated on his desk. This was a welcome distraction from Will's turmoil.


have you finally chosen an outfit?


fuck off no i haven't

i swear this has never been so difficult


it's because you want to impress george with your shitty jackets, isn't it?


ste i promise you i will bash your head in


go on then show me which jackets you're fumbling over now

Will rolled his eyes at the messages and posed before his mirror wearing his brown jacket and his green one. He sent the photos to Stephen, who replied instantly.


brown brown brown

the green one makes you look like a dick

brown matches better with the outfit and that innit


thanks for saying i look like a dick in one of my favourite jackets, mate


im joking

you know you could never look like a dick

thus with a kiss i dieWhere stories live. Discover now