7- feelings are fatal

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The brown, collared jacket that he'd poured over for an age hit the wall with a thump and landed in a crumpled heap on the carpet. Will followed suit, collapsing next to it and holding his head in his hands.

God, it was all so insufferable. Everything about
this. Most of all, was how nice it had felt to kiss George.

But then he had left and shut the door in his face and left him to walk home alone in the rain, trying to figure out how to reverse time. And if he had figured this out, he would rewind  time back to the coffee shop. And whenever he got to the part with George's stupid red door and his stupid red lips and his stupid, stupid feelings, he would simply rewind time back to the coffee shop.

But life was not that simple.

Will's breaths were shallow and quick, more like short gasps as he sat with his back to his bedroom door. Maybe he should get up. Maybe he should contact George. Maybe he should man up.

But for now, he would sit with his back to his bedroom door.


The red front door clicked softly, signalling its closing. From the 'stained glass' window, he could see Will, simply standing there. And his heart felt suddenly heavy.

George pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and tried his best to breathe deep.

Why? Why the fuck did he have to run away? What made him panic? What had he done?

He'd ruined everything; that's what he'd done. Now Will would hate him for being such a dick. With no words exchanged, he had left and shut the door in his face. And, now that the first few raindrops had begun to patter on the roof, he had left him to walk home alone in the rain.

George opened his eyes and watched Will's fuzzy silhouette slowly move. He picked his leg up and walked away, silently slipping out of sight and away from the red front door, away from the "stained glass" window.

He had ruined everything.

i hate doing authors notes but basically i've lost motivation and creativity so may be a hot minute b4 the next update, sos 🤷‍♀️

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