2- snapchat

15 0 0

Bopping his head in time to the music that streamed through his earphones, George scrawled down another sentence of his science homework essay. The desk that he laid the papers on was small and crowded and dimly lit, just how George liked it.

Momentarily, the music lapsed and his phone on the desk vibrated. George put his pen down and picked up his phone, frowning at the snapchat notification across the lockscreen, which was a blurry mirror selfie of him and James.

Will Lenney has added you as a friend!

His frown deepened at this, and he swiped the message across. Was this him? His thumb hovered over the "Add" button as he inspected the friend request.

The bitmoji checked out. So did the first and last name. The username was "willisrlygr8', and George wouldn't put it past him, based on the one day he'd known him.

So, with his heart rhythmically pumping against his chest, George pressed the button and watched it switch to "Added", with a little tick mark.

Before what he had done could catch up to him, George returned his phone to his desk and lifted up his pen. He did not switch on his music again, and only waited in anticipation for the phone on his desk to vibrate again. And soon it did.

Feeling a nervous tightening in his chest, George scrambled for the phone and, sure enough, Will had sent him a message.


hey george

its will from english today

hope this is you

George watched his bitmoji in the corner of the screen as his thumbs hovered over the keyboard for a moment. Fastidiously, he began to type back.


hi will

yeah, this is me, don't worry


good good

didnt want to accidentally chat up some weirdo

there r a lot of them on snap


i agree


you're so formal and smart

even over text

George faltered at this before he typed another message.


am i?

sorry about that


no i like it

its cute

He couldn't help the small smile that spread like ink across his face, leaving behind a slight pinkness in his cheeks.



thank you


you are very welcome


can i ask u smthn?


you just did

but go on


was wondering if you wanted to come over tmr?

i wanted you to help me w the english homework bc im thick


you're not thick


incredibly stupid then


no matter

i can come over tomorrow

do you mean after school?


if thats alright w u?


yes that's fine



look out for me at the gates 😎


will do

As Will's bitmoji sprang down in the corner of the screen, George returned his phone to his desk and sat back in his chair, rubbing his eyes. Just the mere thought of going to Will's house tomorrow to study with him made him feel slightly queasy, but Will was so easy going and easy to get along with, that maybe, just maybe, things would go alright. George hoped. 

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