It started with a restaurant

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"Ladies and gentlemen, the graduates of Darkley School Batch 2015!"

Lloyd could not believe it. He was finally a graduate of Darkley! Goodbye middle school, goodbye Darkley, goodbye The Darkley Gang...

"Congratulations, Lloyd," a voice said from behind him. Lloyd turned around and saw Gene, the leader of The Darkley Gang.

Gene U. Seville, the evil mastermind of Darkley. He was the baddest of the bad boys, and more often than not he would refer to himself as an evil genius. This was a boy who craved attention, and would do whatever it takes to get it. He was basically the most popular boy in school.

He opened his arms as if gesturing for a hug. "Congratulations to you too, Gene."

Instead of a hug, Lloyd received a headlock from his leader. "The Darkley Gang lives on, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," was Lloyd's response. "Darkley Gang forever."

Gene releases his grip from Lloyd. He grabs him by the collar and pulls him close. "I heard from Brad that you have doubts about being bad. Is that true?"

Lloyd shook his head. "Of course not!" That was a lie. He really felt like he did not want to be bad anymore. The past three years in middle school was not something he wanted to remember. He did some pretty terrible things the past years but he would rather not look back to them.

"Do whatever you want," Gene sighed as he shoved Lloyd away. "I'll see you tomorrow at the farewell party."

When Gene left, Lloyd looked around. He saw a man with long, dark red, side swept hair, and a woman with light brown hair tied in a side braid. He recognized these people as his parents, Marmaduke Wellington Garmadon and Misako Garmadon.

"Lloyd!" his mother said as she ran to him and wrapped him in a tight embrace. "Congratulations! You're going to be in high school!"

"Mom, let go," he whispered. "You're embarrassing me."

"Congratulations, Lloyd," his father said. "So, where do you want to have dinner? Fast food? Or would you rather be in a fancy restaurant?"

"Anywhere is good," Lloyd replied as he finally escaped his mother's grip. "Anywhere but home, though. I'm alright with Burger King and Domino's."

The family headed out of the auditorium and walked to the parking lot.

"Make up your mind now, Lloyd," his mother told him. "We need to know where you would like."

Lloyd thought long and hard and finally he knew the one place he loved to eat at. "How about Mister Chen's?"


"Four Swords Repair Shop, how may I help you?"

A boy with spiked brown hair and tan skin turned his wrench and tightened the bolt. He did not need to see that there was a new customer because he heard the chimes from the door.

"Kai Smith?" came the sound of a young female's voice.

He looked up and saw a girl with long blond hair. This woman caught his attention and he fixed himself up. He stood and gave the girl his best smile.

"What can I do for you?" he asked the girl.

She blushed. "My dad asked me to get this thing repaired. I don't know what it is, but I'm sure you do."

"Is that all?" he continued, this time switching on his flirtation mode. "Is there nothing else you came here for?"

"No..." the girl replied, obviously getting bashful. "I'd like to know if you wanna go out with me."

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