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Liked by cellavinia, unofigueroa, and 807 others

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Liked by cellavinia, unofigueroa, and 807 others

ashdominique this was one of the rarest moments when you had fun practicing the guitar. it was a usual afternoon for the both of us. i visited you, played your favorite song, then you suddenly wanted to strum it on your own. you looked so cute there, mi belle Lavella. ang ganda-ganda mo. i think this was around my fourth month of courting you.

sometimes i still can't believe that we're here at this point already. who would've thought that a website for anonymous people would lead me to you? i didn't believe i would actually come across you but well, it happened.

thank you for giving me this gift, baby. you're the most beautiful thing that happened to me this year and i will always treasure you and your smile. i will never let you lose your smile and i will only let you tear up on our wedding day. i will marry you, mi belle Lavella. i love you!

ang ganda mo, palagi.

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laelavellamrtnz i love you 🥺💗

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