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Liked by ashdominique, unofigueroa, and 848 others

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Liked by ashdominique, unofigueroa, and 848 others

laelavellamrtnz this wasn't the first time because he usually sends me cute photos of him that he says are for my eyes only but because today is a special day, i posted this. :D

i just really wanna say thank you to this guy who never failed to put a smile unto my face and to tickle my heart with his words and with everything that he has been doing for me all these time. it has been my fear to use a website such as Omegle because i've had a lot of encounters that didn't really sit right with me but he proved them all wrong. he proved me that someone like him still exists in this world. he made me believe that i am beautiful. he made me believe that i am worth the wait. i doubted him and his intentions a lot of time but he didn't faze and instead he kept on proving himself to me and to my family. he did not fail me. he was there to lift me up and let me cry when i am having break downs due to academic stress and after all the crying, he would still tell me how beautiful i was and how i was doing my best and that he was proud of me everyday. he wasn't just a suitor, he was a best friend as well. a confidant. and i know that now that i gave him my sweetest yes already, he will still keep on proving himself.

and i just wanna tell him that he doesn't need to anymore. his intentions are clear now. the fog has been lifted off my eyes already and he reached the deepest part of my heart. i love him and he will always be my favorite everything.

baby, @ashdominique thank you for everything! i love you even when we're between abyss.

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ashdominique you're the best part, mi belle Lavella. i love you, even when we're between abyss.

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