6: A Mega Pint

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TW: Slight violence.

Elle came around 7:15.

I swear I don't think I've been more relieved to see a person at my door when I heard her knock.

I quickly make my way over to the door and swing it open.

"Hey, babe!" She sang as she shuffled through my doorstep.

We quickly embraced each other, me being quickly embraced by her warm arms.
She squeezed me tightly and then pulled back to look at my face.

"Oh, my gosh are those new?" She says shocked as she points to my exposed bruises.

My face heats with embarrassment, "Oh, uh no I've had those for a couple of days."

"Oh, I didn't even notice them at the club." She says, squeezing my hand in reassurance.

"Yeah, I just covered them up. I'm clumsy so I bruise all the time." I say, trying to cover my tracks.

"Mmm," she hums, not fully buying my story, "Anyway, I brought wineeee.".

Thank fucking goodness she changed the subject.

I try to match her fast pace as she welcomes herself into my flat and skips over to my kitchen.

"I brought my favorite type!" She says as she harshly slams the bottle on the counter, "so, why did you call me over today? Couldn't wait till Tuesday to see me?" She shoots me a wink.

"Hahaha, you know me, couldn't get enough of you," I say walking towards her.

"Can anyone?" She says shrugging.

I pull out two wine glasses and set them out neatly in front of her.

"How much ya want?" She says as she opens the bottle.

"Mmm honestly let's not sugar coat this and just give me the whole bottle," I say jokingly.

"Rough day?" She asks.

"Yeah, you could say that," I say, my eyes wandering around the kitchen.

"Same. Well, one mega pint of wine coming right up!" She says as she begins to dump the bottle into each glass.

"Haha—Omgosh girl that's like half the bottle," I say in shock as she fills our glasses to the brim.

"Exactly, one mega pint for the both of us." She says as she slides the full wine glass over to me.

I bend down slightly to take a small sip of it, just to empty it a bit so when I pick it up it doesn't spill all over me.

She does the same.

Once our glasses are safe to carry, we make our way over to the living room.

Once we settle down Elle relaxes fully into my sofa.

"I love your flat," she says humming.

"Oh, thanks, it's really nothing special," I say.

"It's such a cute little place, the only problem is its location." She says, "this is a dangerous area."

"Yeah well, it's the only thing I can afford right now. It's really not even that bad, I haven't had any issues with my neighbors yet." I laugh.

"I get that," she says, "so do you have any family around here?"

My heart stops, plummeting to my feet as I stare into my wine glass.

"No, not around here. That's kind of why I moved here, to get away from them." I tell her honestly.

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