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"There are a lot of people here" I said dizzily since I'm not used to big crowds
"Of course, there's a lot of people! It's Disney after all" Jisoo answered smiling

How did I end up here? It was simple, I couldn't say no.

"That's why you'll go with me" Jisoo whispered in my ear
"No way!" I said stepping back
"Why not? It will be fun!" she said with a big smile

I guess she won't take no for an answer. I looked at her and her puppy eyes made me weak. Maybe she wants to have a great time before going home.

"Fine! Let's go!" I said defeated "But you need to tell Namjoon first"
"Thank you!" Jisoo hugged me tightly and ran toward the door "I'll get ready! see you in twenty minutes at my hotel"

She looked so happy but now that we are here I'm regretting my decision.
"What's with the long face?" Jisoo continued "This will be one of the funniest days of your life" she eye smiled at me and held my hand "let's go!"

Why is she so carefree? She holds my hand like it means nothing, she just met me a few days ago and treats me like her best friend. For some reason, I feel weird.

We walked for minutes until a ride caught my attention.
"We should try that one" I said pointing to the roller coaster
"That one?" Jisoo asked in disbelief "Okay... We should get in line"

Eventually, the two of us made it to the front line of the taller roller coaster of the park. I listened to the screams in the air but then my eyes dropped to Jisoo, she looked uneasy and nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked her since she has been quiet
"Yeah! I'm okay"
It's time to pick seats, I chose the ones in the very front at the head of the train. Jisoo's eyes widened and followed me.
I saw her gripping the hand bars, tight enough to turn her knuckles white.
"Okay that's it" I said standing up
"What are you doing?" Jisoo asked confused
"Sir, please take your seat" the staff told me
"Sorry but we changed our mind" I said holding Jisoo's arm
"Let's go out of here" I said dragging her out of the line
"Yah! What's happening?" Jisoo asked me angry
"You're afraid of height, right?" I asked seriously

She went quiet for a moment and smiled again.

"No! Of course not!" She said nervously
"You're a bad liar" I replied to her "If you're afraid of height you shouldn't do things like that"
"I wanted you to have fun, that's why" she said biting her bottom lip "You're worried and serious all the time and it's because of me"

I felt something burning inside my chest. So all of this Disney stuff it's because of me?

"You're dumb" I said rubbing her hair "let's go for some cotton candy"
Jisoo's eyes sparkled, she looks relieved.

The day went by smoothly, we took the normal rides like the carousel and eat sweets. Jisoo looked happy all the time and that made me happy too. No one recognized her since there were a lot of tourists which makes her feel free, she was herself.

"Thank you, for today, it wasn't bad at all" I said to her with a smile
"Really? I'm glad you liked it, it's my way to say thank you" she continued "I know it's hard to take care of someone you don't know" she laughed a bit "and harder when that someone it's me"

I stared at her for a second and I realized. I know why I feel weird, I know why she makes my chest burn, it's simple...

"Jisoo I think..." I was interrupted by her phone
"Sorry I have to take this" she picked up her phone and a big smile appeared on her face...
"Oppa! Are you here?" She answered excited


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