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"Are you sure? I think you should go" Jennie insisted for the nth time
"I'm sure, I'm not needed there," I said to her as I served myself a cup of coffee
"What do you mean? I thought that you and Jisoo became closer" she murmured
"I was with her because of work, nothing else" I replied to Jennie
"But you should go to the airport, she's leaving tomorrow" Jennie looked disappointed saying the last words
"I already talked with Namjoon, he will send someone else," I said as I sat on the sofa
"You're not going to say goodbye to her?" Jennie said offended
"Listen, Jennie, I'm not close to her, I'm not her friend. It was a work task, just that " I told her with a straight face
"I'm not following you Taehyung, You have been weird since last night," she said while taking her purse
"I don't know what are you talking about," I said without looking at her
"Yeah, yeah... keep lying to yourself," Jennie said opening the door "Bye!" She screamed as she slammed the door

Even if Jennie is acting like an annoying teenage girl, she's right, I have been acting weird... well how should you act when someone rejects you?

"I'm asking because I like you," I said to Jisoo waiting for her response
"Oh..." she said eye smiling at me "That's..." It looked like she tried to articulate her next sentence
"I understand that it's rushed, I just met you but I think I like you," I said to her "You're genuine and I feel like a different person when I'm by your side" I added
"Taehyung... I'm sorry..." she said
"Don't worry, you don't have to answer me right now. Please think about it and..."
"I'm sorry Taehyung, I can't correspond to your feelings" she interrupted me
"But.. why?" I asked dumbfounded "I know I'm not a celebrity but I can..."
"It's not because of that" she interrupted me once again "You will understand later," she said
"Later? What do you mean?" I asked her confused
"Well... you're younger than me so we can't be together" she smiled
"What? Are you serious?" I thought she was joking
"I'm serious!" She exclaimed "Please remember these feelings in the future and find me"

I've been rejected before but what she said it's a lame excuse. Because of our age? Really? I'll turn 25 next year. My ego was hurt, I used all my courage to confess to her, I thought she liked me a little but nothing...

"I'm not playing your game anymore Kim Jisoo," I said as I read the news on my iPad

Suddenly I got a call "Namjoon? But it's my free day" I thought
"Namjoon? Is everything okay?" I answered worried since he never calls when we have free days
"No, we have problems," he said from the other side
"I'll be in the office in a minute," I told him as I stood up
"It's not necessary" he continued "I need you to go to the airport tomorrow"
"Namjoon I already talked with you about this," I said mad
"Please Taehyung you're the one that I trust the most"
"But..." I was ready to fight again until I heard the cold tone of his next words...
"Do it or I'll fire you" Namjoon said before ending the call

"Thank you again Nam" Jennie smiled at Namjoon
"I was surprised when you showed up in my office, I thought it was something important," he said putting down his phone
"Believe me, this is important! I knew I could count on you" she said hugging him
"Well if this doesn't work I'll have to fire your brother, you know," he said confused
"Oh! Don't worry, I know he will do it" Jennie said with a big smile before leaving Namjoon's office

The next day

Okay I'm going to pick her up at the Hotel then go to the airport and that's it, she'll be with her manager and staff anyway.

I was anxiously waiting in the lobby until an unknown man showed up
"It's nice to see you," he said
"Excuse me?" I asked him since he talked to me with confidence
"Oh sorry, I'm Min Yoongi, Jisoo's manager" For some reason he looked relieved to see me
"Kim Taehyung" I had a weird feeling when I shaked his hand "Do I know you from somewhere?" I asked him
"Nope!" He said smiling "Oh Jisoo is coming, wait for a second," he said before going to the elevator

"What a strange manager... Wait... how did he know who I was?"

"Hi Taehyung!" Jisoo screamed from the elevator waving her hand

"Why is she acting like nothing happened?"

"Hi, we must go," I said as I walked to the main entrance
"Oh... right, let's go," she said following me
"Here," I said opening the car's door
"Thank you," she said smiling

The ride to the airport was awkward, Jisoo tried to start a conversation but I always avoided her. I don't understand her behavior, she just rejected me, why is she acting all lovey-dovey again?

We finally made it to the airport. Her mood changed a bit, she looked gloomy.

"Here we are," I said "I'll tell Namjoon that you made it safely, please text him when you arrive home," I told her since she's a close friend of Namjoon "Then, goodbye, it was a pleasure to meet you," I said
"Tae..." she called me
"Tae?" I murmured since she took me by surprise
"I can't do much right now and I'm sorry for it but I promise you that I'll wait for you, please don't forget me," she said with teary eyes
"What are you talking about? All of this because of my age?"

She only smiled at me without saying a word

"Jisoo what is happening?" I asked her grabbing her arm but she didn't say anything
"Sorry, we need to go" her manager interrupted us breaking our touch "Thank you for everything," he told me before taking Jisoo far away from me

I don't know why but seeing him holding her hand made my heart ache a bit, it felt like a deja vu, a bad one.

I don't understand what is happening, I don't understand why Jisoo is not telling me de truth but one thing it's sure...

"KIM JISOO!" I screamed my lungs out, she looked at me surprised. I took a deep breath and screamed again "I'll look for you and you better have a good explanation for this" Her glossy eyes widened and she smiled brightly at me.

The people in the airport looked at me like I was a psychopath. She was almost off of my sight but I swear she mouthed something... I swear I saw her saying...

"Love you Tae"


I never stopped thinking about her, I tried to contact her but it was impossible. Even though I asked Namjoon to give me Jisoo's phone number she never answered. I followed her career and she said that after her last movie, she would take a break, that was strange because she was at the peak of her popularity.

I finally closed my laptop "I should go home" I thought as I checked the time on my watch "11:58 pm... I have never been this late in the office before and Tomorrow it's my birthday" I murmured

All I can think about it's that now I'll be "old enough" to be with her, at least that's what she said.

A few minutes after a message from an unknown number popped up on the screen of my phone

"Happy Birthday Tae"

"Uh? What's this?" I said as I stood up from my seat to turn off the lights of the office. Suddenly a heavy headache hit me. I fell to the floor in pain... it was like a train of memories passed before my eyes.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, the air was thick... my hands were shaky and tears flooded my eyes. It took me like 10 minutes to get on my feet again.

I finally stood up, took a deep breath, and wiped my tears... Now I understand everything.

"You found me this time, Lady Jisoo"

Thank you so much for reading this book. I wanted to write a short and light story but in the end, I decided to link "A Week in Paris" with "Forever" so I recommend you to read both books if you want to understand everything ~

This is finally the beginning of their happy ending n.n I would love to write another book of Forever but I don't know if I will.

Anyways, thank you for reading and your support!

Take care and stay safe <3


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