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It was 3 days later, after their kiss. Hopper was out patrolling and Joyce was on her way home from work, suddenly she swerved off the road trying to dodge a few birds causing her to hit a tree. Joyce was knocked out unconscious when, "Hop we got a car crash near the woods" Flo said. "Okay, I'll be there" Hop added as he raced to his blazer. He recognized that pinto, it was hers. "Joyce!?" he said running towards the car. "Hopper?" she could barely speak her head was muffled into her hands as she was crying, she couldn't afford a new car or to even fix this. "Are you okay what happened?!" he yelled carrying her to his blazer. "I tried to dodge birds I know it's so stupid.. I'm gonna have to borrow Jonathan's car now.." she added in
"Joyce it isn't stupid. You can have my car, I was looking to get a new one anyway." he handed her the keys as he carried her inside his little cabin.
"No, Hop.. cars are expensive and you can't be giving me them for free like that." she said handing him the keys back, she wouldn't accept it. "Joyce." he said throwing her the keys again. "Fine.. thank you." she looked at him, wow she wanted to kiss him but she couldn't. She just could not, he was her best friend. She suddenly noticed he was staring at her too. "Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked with a smile. "Like what?" he asked "Like you want to kiss me." and he did. "Is that an invitation?" he said winking as he exited the house. "Yes.. yes it was." Joyce said to herself sad he left. 

Four Days Later

"Joyce?!" he said walking into her house, he was worried as she missed lunch with him, and wasn't at work. He just saw her cuddled up on her couch. "Joyce are you okay?" he asked 

"Hop.. I'm fine I'm so sorry It's just I have had this stupid thought in my head that just makes me not able to focus it's so dumb I know but I just can't do anything.. So I called in sick." I love him.. I really do.. not as a friend.. or a brother.. I want to be more than that. I want him to kiss me.. but what if he doesn't love me back? "What is that thought?" he asked "It's I- uh.. umm.. uh.." she was trying not to blush. "It's fine.. I assume that it's you don't want to see me?" he tried to not look at her. "No! It's the opposite.. I- I want to see you, I want to wake up to you... I want to.. nevermind it's stupid." she responded "No, tell me.. because.." he got cut off, "I want to kiss you." she said now standing up. "Joyce"... "See, you don't want to kiss me back? I'm pathetic aren't I. I just ruined my closest friendsh-mpff" she was interrupted as he smashed his lips on to hers. But instead of kissing back she pulled away. "You pity me.. That wasn't real love."
"Joyce, I want to make sure you are okay, I love you it's just."
"It's just what?! What Hopper?!" 
"I don't want to hurt you."
"How are you hurting me?!"
"I- I can't do this right now." he said leaving and shutting the door leaving Joyce to continue sitting there with her thoughts.

Maybe I love you || JopperOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz