I love you

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Hopper woke up on his couch as it was the 5th time his phone rang but he didn't answer. All he wanted was sleep.. but Joyce  woke up to her phone ringing.  "Hello?" both ends asked "Hi Joyce, I called Jim five times and he didn't pick up, I assume he's with you? Your all he ever talked about that's another reason we broke up.. Your not as beautiful as he says you are by the way." He thinks I'm beautiful? I'm a mess.. Another reason I love him. Diane scoffed "Diane? What do you want Hopper for?" Joyce asked confused "Because I want him back, I miss him." she replied. "He isn't here. Call him again." Please don't say yes.. please.. she hung up and called Hopper as he got up and grabbed the phone. "What?" he asked "Baby I am so sorry please take me back!" Diane pleaded. "How about we go for lunch later and talk about this?" he responded. Joyce was in shock, he kissed her weren't they together? She loved him! Only him. "Yes! See you at.. Enzo's?" Diane asked. "Sure. Catch ya later." Hop hung up. Only to be called again. "H-hop are you going on a date?" Joyce asked trying not to cry but her eyes were getting watery until, "No, why?" he could tell Joyce was on the verge of tears "Joyce are you okay?" he asked "Y-yeah I'm fine now, Uh.. Hop do you maybe uh.. um.. Wanna go for lunch?.. Enzo's maybe?" Joyce asked 

"II uh.. I'm going with someone else.. Sorry." he picked her up bridal style and brought her to the car

"Okay.. I-Is it D-Diane?" Joyce asked as he put her down

"Sorry- yes.." he asked before she said

"That doesn't mean your going back with her.. because, I think I need help with making my bed."  she said in an almost flirty tone

"Joyce- Are you flirting with me?" 

"Oh. Uh um.. no I uh.."



"I love you." 

"I'd come over but- My anxiety says I shouldn't." 

"Please? Okay how about we meet up? Like at somewhere like.."

"Not sure, I haven't gotten a drink in awhile, maybe the bar?"

She never drinks, but this was Hopper. She had too.


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