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Every day had been crazy ever since Jiwon, Taeyeon and Hyorin joined the group. Jiwon and Taeyeon were alright. They were actually really sweet, especially to Tokko. The only one who seemed to have a problem with Tokko was Hyorin.

Everytime Tokko was talking to JJ, Hyorin would push Tokko out of the way or drag JJ away from her. One day, Tokko wanted to show JJ a drawing she made for him on her ipad but when she got to JJ, Hyorin pushed her so hard that she fail on the ground hard and hurt her arm, As well as breaking her ipad "TOKKO" Every yelled before running toward her "Why would you push her Hyorin" Jiwon asked "Oh come on, i didn't push her that hard" Hyorin said, rolling her eyes "It really hurts" Tokko said, tear in her eyes, holding her arm. it hurt whenever she tried moving it "Go get Pd nim" JJ said, holding Tokko up. James, Yorch and Jihoon ran to go get Hitman Bang while to the others stayed to help Tokko stand up.

"What is your problem" JJ said to Hyorin "What? Why are you yelling at me?" Hyorin asked "You're always pushing Tokko around and now you probably broke her arm. What's wrong with you?" Taeyeon said "Nothing is wrong with me. it's not my fault she's such a cry baby. i was just playing around. you believe me right, JJ?" Hyorin said "oh i see what's going on here. you're really doing all this because you like JJ" Leo said "what!? No!" Hyorin said "Yes you are. Ever since you girls got here, You have been trying to get Tokko away from JJ. You're Jealous of how close they are" Sangwon said "So what? JJ doesn't even like her. she should just learn to stay out of my way" Hyorin said "That's no true. I do like Tokko" JJ said. Everyone looked at JJ "i like her more than i would ever like you and nothing you do will ever stop me from liking her" JJ said. Tokko blushed hearing him say this. "Finally he says it" Leo said.

"What's going on here" They hear bang pd say "Hyorin has been pushing around and Bullying Tokko since she got here. She pushed Tokko earlier today and Tokko fell to the ground and we think she broke her arm" JJ said "Is this true?" Hitman Bang asked the others and they all nodded "it's true pd nim" Leo said "Well we'll get a doctor. Hyorin, Go to my office. NOW" Hitman Bang said. "Ugh this is so unfair" Hyorin said "This won't be the last you hear of me. YOU BETTER WATCH OUT LEE TOKKO" Hyorin yelled before slamming the door. Tokko was scared. What would Hyorin do "Don't worry Tokko, She won't be allowed anywhere near you" Bang pd said.

Soon the doctor came and sure enough, Tokko's arm was broken. It would be weeks until Tokko's arm was heals. Until then she was free from training for a while. Still, Tokko wanted to watch the others train. They were on break when Tokko walked up to JJ "is it true?" Tokko asked. JJ looked at the girl "You like me?" Tokko asked "Of course i do.. Tokko, i've liked you since we first met. You're so beautiful and so cute. how could i not love you" JJ said. Tokko blushed bright "You love me" Tokko said while smiling shyly "KISS ALREADY" Jihoon yelled from the other side of the room "Does this answer your question" JJ said before holding Tokko's face and kissing her. When he pulled away Tokko was in so much shock "Yes yes it does" She said, smiling big "FINALLY YOU TWO CONFESS" the other say "I was starting to think you two would never do it" Leo said "Oh shush" JJ and Tokko said at the same time as the others laugh. "Congratulations you two. you're so cute together" Jiwon said. "Thanks you guys" Tokko said

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓; 𝘫𝘢𝘺𝘫𝘢𝘺Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu