Continuation Chapter: Improving

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(Y/n)"I'll have to break one of these"

Rachnera"a gourd..?"

(Y/n) and Rachera were staring at a gourd making her sweat drop while (Y/n) kept looking at it with his arms crossed

(Y/n)"and to break it I'll need you to keep your small spiders on me to heighten my instincts, and to make sure I don't lose concentration"

Rachnera"so you're gonna use this breathing form constantly?"

(Y/n)"definitely, it'll help me a lot more"

Rachnera"well if it helps you then I have no problem with helping you out"


(Y/n) then got up and laid on his bed and started doing concentration breathing constant while Rachnera placed her spiders all over him with strings attached to the ceiling

(Y/n)"huuuoooh.... Fwooooouuuuh.... Huoooooooh.... Fwoooouuuh... huoooo- Zzzzzzzzzzzz"


In and instant the spiders pinched onto (Y/n) as Rachnera pulled onto the lines making (Y/n) rise out of bed and hit the ceiling before falling on the bed and bouncing onto the floor


Rachnera"oh no, did I do it too hard?"

(Y/n)"nope! I can handle it, let's do it again!"


Every night for a week straight (Y/n) did this with Rachnera's help and has broken most of the gourds except for the final one in which he is doing right now


(Y/n) took a deep breath before blowing hard into the gourd while Rachnera watched with two fans in her hands

Rachnera"you can do it (Y/n)!"

This encouragement made (Y/n) blow harder making the gourd explode all over the place leaving only the mouth piece (Y/n) blew through

Rachnera"hooray! You did it congrats!"

(Y/n)"all right! Now let's see how good I've gotten!"

The next day

Tanjiro and (Y/n) have both gone through training with total concentration breathing constant, and now are gonna use what they learned to tag Kanao

Tanjiro"I'll go first"

(Y/n)"all right then, good luck"

Tanjiro and Lano got in position both staring at each other, Kanao having her calm look while Tanjiro had a determined look on his face


Kanao and Tanjiro immediately started in a blur, Kanao still moved faster but Tanjiro started catching up finally being able to follow her movements getting closer and closer

Tanjiro'my body has changed! I wanna wield my blade now! WITH THESE HANDS!!!'

Tanjiro reached out his hand and caught Kanao catching her off guard. Tanjiro finally was able to catch Kanao in which he celebrated jumping up in joy

Tanjiro"I DID IT!!!"


(Y/n)"all right! Nice Tanjiro!"

Aoi"all right then, your turn (Y/n)!"


(Y/n) and Kanao got in position both having a calm look on their faces ready to make their move. a spider landed on the doorway watching the two

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