Chapter 16: Finding a Cure

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After Nuzama showed no hostility towards the Demon Slayer Corp and even gave them information of what her brother can do and how to get the upper hand, they now had a fighting chance. But now has come a step that (Y/n) and Tanjiro have been waiting for

Nuzama"I know how to turn Rachnera and your sister back into humans"

(Y/n) and Tanjiro we're surprised by what Nuzama said as they looked at her shocked

Tanjiro"r-really!? You can turn my sister back to normal!?"

Nuzama:"yes, I can. But we're gonna need a very important flower and the assistance of a woman I know of"

(Y/n)"sure! Where can we find her?"

Nuzama"I believe you've already met her Tanjiro, her name's Tamayo"

Tanjiro"lady Tamayo?"

Nuzama"she's a very important role to helping me"

(Y/n)"in that's case I'll help escort her here to you"

Nuzama"good, and Tanjiro I need you and the others to help find a flower called the Blue Spider Lily. But you're gonna have to be quick, they only grow in the sunlight. Here's a picture of what they look like"

Nuzama gave a picture of the flowers to Tanjiro as he then bowed for her gratitude

Tanjiro"thank you! I appreciate your gratitude! Thank you for helping find a way to return my sister to normal!"

Nuzama smiled warmly hiding a bit of pain behind her smile as she patted his head

Nuzama"no problem, now hurry off and find rh flower"

Tanjiro"right! Inosuke, Zenitsu come on! We need to get something!"

Tanjiro rushed out of the room leaving Nuzama and (Y/n) to themselves as she sighed

(Y/n)"you ok?"

Nuzama"huh? Oh yeah, it's just... My brother use to be so caring like that towards me..."

She started to shake a bit remembering fond memories of her brother caring for her

Nuzama"I don't know what went wrong..."

(Y/n)"maybe he was trying to find a cure for you, but got lost a long the way"

Nuzama"the two of us use to be inseparable. Even when we became incredibly ill we made the best out of it together"

She looked down with her hands clenched together before releasing a big sigh

Nuzama"but now he's changed, I can't let him go on like this. He needs to be stopped, this is no longer about wanting to be cured of an illness"

(Y/n)"you're very brave Nuzama"

Nuzama"thank you, I'm glad the man who saved me all those years ago is still helping me through his bloodline"

(Y/n)"no problem, I'll go ahead and get Rachnera so we can get Tamayo"

He left the room and walked over to the sun blocked room

(Y/n)"Rachnera, we gotta fetch someone"

Rachnera"hm? Who?"

He walked inside and closed the door and sat next to Rachnera on her bed

Ume"hold on! Why can't I come?"

(Y/n)"because you and Gyutaro need to stay here and keep guard of Nuzama just in case something happens"

Gyutaro"seems right, were staying Ume"

Ume"huh!? But brother!"


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