In-Between (1)

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Soon after Riley Fitzworth stole Keith, Jane Calvary and Charlie Jacobs made their way into the In-Between. Hands interlocked they fought their way through brambles of Grey thrones bushes and Black and White trees.
"This place is huge!" Charlie Jacobs remarks, looking through some Dark Grey vines. In front of her is the ending of the Erased Forest, at least that's what the sign in front of the Dark trees had said. But before the ending of the Erased Forest there is a long rope bridge over a Black river with sharp White rocks at the bottom.
"Like I said Jacobs," Jane Calvary starts, smirking at her easily amazed friend. "they don't teach Blanks stuff like this in a Science class."
"Let's cross the bridge. I think I see something Red up ahead." Charlie Jacobs murmurs, leaning and squinting into the distance. Yes, there did appear to be something Deep Red just beyond the outer tree line.
"Then we'll have to be careful. I don't know what'll happen if we stop holding hands in here." Jane Calvary says, looking down at their hands. Now the Grey Colouring was up to their wrists and starting to bleed out like tree branches.
I hope there aren't any Rorschach's... Charlie Jacobs thinks, gulping down terror. Sure they were horror stories meant to keep children in line, but so was the In-Between and that turned out to exist.
"Hold tight." Jane Calvary instructs, starting to walk across the bridge with Charlie Jacobs following shakily behind. Though she didn't mention it before, Charlie Jacobs was acrophobic and has been since she was six. Though that is a story for another time.
A few minutes later the two girls got across the bridge, one of them shaking uncontrollably but alive and well.
"What on the Coloured Earth is that?" Jane Calvary gasps, looking at the scar of Colour in front of her.
It was about five feet long and twelve feet high. Inside was plush red carpet on the ground and up the walls. And on each of the walls were big Portals with Gold rims. Though each Portal looked different. One was checkered Blue and Orange, and another one looked like Purple, Blue, and Pink plaid.
"A Hall of Portals?" Charlie Jacobs asks, walking closer to the scar.
"Actually..." a voice behind them starts. "It's the Hall of Doors. But you were close enough."

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