Royal Realm (0.0)

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Ethan waited in the office for the class in progress to end. "Ethan I know that you hate your Shifting teacher but you have to learn to put up with her." The woman behind the desk warned. She was tall and trim, almost cat like in a sense. Her eyes were amber, her hair black and her skin tan.
"I know Mrs. Felicia." Ethan murmured sadly. "But she's so cruel and narcissistic! She's a prideful pain in the everloving arse and she barely knows what she's doing half the time! So given the chance to sit out? I'll sit out."
"Now that's just being rude." Mrs. Felicia smirked, knowing full well he was right. But undermining the staff was a bad idea.
"What do I have next?" He asked, walking over to the office counter.
"What day is it? And what's the time?" Mrs. Felicia questioned, searching through the schedules. Her many books and bags like her desk, along with a few plants. Running the Varitayes school office was no meer feat.
"Erm..." he glanced at the clock. "It's ten twenty-five am and it's currently December eleventh."
"Thank you Mr. Ramerez." Finding a yellow colored paper she scans it before making a happy chirping sound. "Heh, you have your Resurrection class next." She pauses before speaking again. "Isn't that right, Mr. Donovan?"
Ethan gulps before turning to face the new kid. A tiny dark skinned boy with light blue eyes, and dark blonde hair. Sorry for just standing here but I wanted to know what class I have next. I sort of lost my schedule...
Raising an eyebrow at the boys surprisingly deep voice, Ethan turned to Mrs. Felicia. "What's his next class? I could take him."
She smiles and nods before finding a tan piece of paper. "Hmmm.. ah! Spell writing it seems. Go along Keith, Ethan can take you."
Nodding Keith looks at the rather taller boy in front of him. His skin was light, his hair red, and his eyes brown. Uh... thanks for volunteering to take me, Warlock person.
"Anytime little Mage. Now come on, it's in a separate building-"

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