Shadow Falls (4)

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Keeping to yourself is a great way to make sure you aren't sent to jail when living in the Stacs. Freddie Hernandez knows this all too well, so when he learns about a hunt for a locket that could supposedly get him and a guest out of Shadowfalls, he decided to dive head first into the challenge.
"Baker Street is the last place to look." Freddie Hernandez says, informing his friend Zechariah Malachi of the only hiding place the locket could be. On their lonesome they had checked all of their side in Shadowfalls and had come up empty handed.
How ever the last time they went to Baker Street Freddie Hernandez lost his flashlight, so now they had to get that back and the locket. They were both very confident however as they walked to the edge of Shadowfalls without worry.
The Authorizes saw them last time as well, making their journey harder then it would have originally been.
So the two argued and then grab hands and disappear. Walking to the edge of Shadowfalls, and the edge of the border.


Zechariah Malachi looked around precariously, making sure to inspect every corner of the Baker house. The flashlight was found rather quickly, Zechariah Malachi thought, then again he knew Freddie Hernandez had no doubt dropped it for a reason.
"We haven't checked the master bedroom." Freddie Hernandez started, turning to his friend smirking with wonder and curiosity. "I'll go and check it out. If we don't find it I'll stop the search and if we do... do you still wanna run away with me?" His eyes grew large at the question that spilled from his mouth, in all actuality he didn't know what Zechariah Malachi would say.
"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? This place is horrible and you make it liveable." He crosses his arms and looks up at the Void smiling. "So yeah, I'd run away with you, Freddie."
"Cool. Cool..." Freddie Hernandez murmurs grinning, walking to the master bedroom. The hard part was already over, the last time they had come to the Baker house they had taken note of all the creaky spots. The Authorities seemed to be everywhere so making as little noise as possible sounds like a good idea.
Once inside the dim room he looked around for the closet, glaring through the poorly lit bedroom. Fumbling for his flashlight, Freddie Hernandez turned it on and flashed it across the walls.
On the far left wall the closet stood in its Dark corner in all of its Brown and Gold glory. Freddie Hernandez nodded towards the closet and slowly walked across the creaky ground.
Soon he was standing face to face with the Dark closet. He's tucked in a large gulp of air and opened the closet, eyes closed. He opened his eyes and let out is breath, there hanging on the hook on the back wall was a Bronze locket.
Muffling his laughter, he grabbed the locket and moved slowly across the ground and down the stairs to his best friend Zechariah Malachi.
"I found it, Zechariah!" Freddie Hernandez whisper shouted, holding it up for him to see. "I found it!"
Zechariah Malachi looked up tiredly. After taking a moment to process his friends weds his face grew bright. "This is great!" They high-fived taking them to the In-Between. Once there the locket lit up causing them both to gasp and jump apart.
"We should probably look at it now that it's glowing." Freddie Hernandez said, mainly to himself. Then he held out his hand. "Ready?"
Zechariah Malachi nodded eagerly. "Of course I'm ready." Clasping hands they waited and the Bronze lockets light surrounded them.
Out of the glow came a fuzzy projection of a boy in a Dark hoodie, his face down. Neither of them could tell what Colour he was.
"Good job! You finished my hunt." The person said, voice discordant. "I want you to go to school tomorrow, then at eight pm, return here and I'll met you." The boy looked up causing Zechariah Malachi and Freddie Hernandez to gasp. The boy was a Emerald Green, his eyes were White, and his hair Brown. "See you then." The light buzzed out and the boys looked at each other shocked.

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