Part 4 ~ Bird Scene

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I woke up the  next morning and got ready for school. After getting dressed I made my way downstairs and grabbed myself a banana and jumped in my car and headed to school.

Jade and I were walking to Maths class when we spotted Tori struggling to balance all of her books so she could put them in her still plain locker

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Jade and I were walking to Maths class when we spotted Tori struggling to balance all of her books so she could put them in her still plain locker.

"Need some help?" Jade asked suggestively. Tori smiled at the offer thinking we were actually going to help her.

"Yeah." She replied with a sigh of relief. We continue down the corridor towards the vending machine, stopping to get a drink.

"Interesting." I call over my shoulder still waking down the hall with my pinky linked with Emo Chicks. Laughing at her shocked face we bump into Beck. He throws his arm around my shoulder pulling me into him and the three of us make our way to class together.

"My grand mammy went to the loo while I snogged the Prime Minister!" Jade exclaims in a posh accent. Everyone else was shouting things in a posh British accent. While I sat back watching in amusement.

"Good. Rumps in chairs. Tori, the stage is yours. Although you can't take it home of course." Sikowitz says before making his way to the back to observe Tori's first try at the Bird scene. I was sitting between Beck and Jade, with my head on Beck's lap and feet on Jades. I sat playing with Beck's fingers through Tori's performance not paying an ounce of attention to her.

"So did I do it right?" She asks after finishing.

"What do you mean?" Sikowitz asks her while drinking from his coconut.

"Did I do okay?" she says, trying to clarify herself for him. Jade and I let out a snicker at her. I could feel Beck's gaze on me, so I looked up at him only to find him smiling at me. I smile softly back at him before looking away. I could still feel his eyes on me but I ignored them and tried to focus on Sikowitz.

"No you will have to try again tomorrow, Verena, your turn up you go." He says answering her then turning to me. I stand up giving Beck a light kiss on his forehead. Before I could even reach the front Tori is already talking again.

"Do I at least get to know what I did wrong?" She asks, almost begging him. I just roll my eyes at her and push her back to her seat so I can do the scene and get it over with. After I finish performing I take a small bow and head back over to Beck and Jade. I sit back down and take my phone out and start scrolling through The Slap. All of a sudden everyone started clapping.

"Well done Verena, you passed. Now Drive-By exercise! Everybody pretend you're a terrified dolphin." He calls out as everyone begins trying to sound like a dolphin, well besides me of course I just continued to scroll through my phone and Tori who is sitting in her seat star struck about how I passed and SHE didn't.

After class we all made our way to our lockers with Tori following us trying to get us to tell her how to pass. Once we reached Tori's locker, I began to laugh so hard I had to hide my face in Beck's neck. It was covered with a Whiteboard with a small bucket of pens.

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