Tim Hortons part 2: Drinks and Lunch

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Tim Hortons is known for its coffee, Double-Double, dark roast and ice coffee. But they serve more than just coffee, they have iced capps, hot chocolate, frozen lemonade, both original and raspberry varieties and my personal favourite creamy chocolate chill (You're sensing a pattern here.)

For their lunch menu, you get several different options. there are sandwiches, ham and cheddar, BLT, roast beef and cheese, Artisan Grilled cheese, my favourite the turkey bacon club and more. The wraps, chicken ranch, chipotle cheddar chicken, habanero chicken, cilantro lime chicken, spicy buffalo chicken and the breakfast varieties which I'll get to soon. Chicken noodle soup and chilli served with an artisan-style bun, potato wedges and the Craveables! the choice between Crispy chicken and roast beef? Yes please!

Now, remember when I said the breakfast varieties of wraps, well they are in the next chapter, Tim Horton's part 3! 

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