Famous Canadians

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Lucy Maud Montgomery, author of the classic novel Anne of Green Gables.

Alex Trebek, Hosted Jeopardy from 1984 until his death in November 2020.

Phil Hartman, you may know him from his roles on the Simpsons as Troy McLure and Lionel Hutz.

William Shatner, an actor from Star Trek that we shot into space back in October 2021.

Justin Bieber, he's so Canadian he's doing a partnership with Tim Hortons!

Mike Myers, he's the one who does the voice of Shrek.

Ryan Reynolds, he's from Deadpool.

Keanu Reeves, he was in the third SpongeBob movie as a talking tumbleweed.

Sandra Oh, did voice roles for Turning Red and Raya and the last dragon.

Caroline Rhea, was on Sabrina the Teenage Witch

and Me! Little Writer Books, if celebrity means you have a grand total of 29 readers on one story.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That's all until I give you another 10 chapters next year. I see this sort of format on Wattpad and just thought I could give it a try.

Crash Course on CanadaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora