Pt 6, Anything

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I walked George home, his uncle still wasn't back, right when I got home I started texting George

-Hey baby boy,

George<3-Omg shut up

-what? You don't like it? What about
-sweet heart,

George<3-ok I get it, your so weird

In all honestly I had intended to use every one of those names

-what are you doing?

George<3-laying in bed,

-without me? D:

George<3-tbh it feels so empty without you,

-your empty without me ;)

George<3-why do you have to make everything dirty?

-it's just so easy with you love,

Georges bubble kept popping up and disappearing,

-do you like that, when I call you love?


I then sent a voice recording,

"Hey love"

-you know I liked it when you called me daddy ;)

I was then sent a voice recording

"Fuck you"

-is that a offer?

George<3-goodnight clay,

-gn love,

I set my phone down next to my bed getting ready to go to sleep before I heard a ding on my phone, I picked it up and saw it was a voice message from George

"Goodnight daddy~" my eyes widened in shock, I kept replaying the message imagining George under me, saying it,


The next morning I happily walked to school excited to see George but when I got there George was no where to be found, I tried texting him but I got no response I was worried, after school I sadly walked home and even tried calling him a few times but to no avail, I decided to call nick and ask him for advice

"Hello?" Nick said through the phone,
"Nick" I say worriedly
"Whats up?" He responds
"George didn't come to school today and I'm really worried about him" I say tears threatening to escape
"Woah dude calm down, I'm sure he's fine he probably just wasn't feeling good or something" nick says, attempting to comfort me,
"Ya your probaly right..." I say
"Always am" he chuckles just then I hear a knock on my door
"umm nick I'll call you back later" I say
"Ok just remember I'm always here if you need anything" he says
"Thank you nick" I say softy before hanging up

I run down the stairs and open up my door, it's George he's crying and he jumps into my arms, I hug him back protectively, it was just getting dark and the sky was now fading to a dark blue

I pull away from him to look at him, before pulling him into a hug again, "shhh it's ok" I say softy before leading him into my kitchen and setting him down on a chair next to a table,

I don't ask questions instead I walk over to the counter and grab a mug from a cabinet, "want some tea or hot chocolate?" I ask he sniffles his nose, "hot chocolate" he mumbles, I pour the brown powder in the mug and fill it up with hot water before mixing it and handing it to him

I sit across from him, "George... what happend?" The dried tears on his cheeks threaten to come back, he mumbles something that I couldn't understand, "you have to speak up hun" I say softly "my uncle... he found out about you and me" he says "and he didn't take it very well," George says lifting up his shirt to reveal his torso that was covered in bruises, his tears start to run down his cheeks once again

"Oh baby no" I get up pulling him into my arms to comfort him, my eyes full with sadness but also something else... anger, how could anybody ever do this to George? George is possibly the kindest person in the history of mankind, just then something sparks in me

I pull away from George "stay here ok?" I say walking towards the front door "wait where are you going?" George says chasing after me, I put on my jacket before stopping and turning towards George, I softly grab his face and look at him, tears sit on his eyes, "it's going to be ok, trust me" I say before leaning in to kiss him, I let go of him before quickly walking outside

I look to the side and see my parents car, I'm not supposed to drive it but I honestly don't give a fuck, as I hop in the drivers seat and turn the key starting the car I pull out as I quickly speeded down the road, I got to George's house and quickly got out of the car, all I could see was red, I ran up to the house and knocked on the door,

George's uncle opened the door I waste no time and grab his collar and push him against the wall behind the door "aye what the fu-" I cut him off when I slam my first into his face, and again, and again, at this point he's pleading for mercy but I can see is George's bruised and beaten body, one particular time I hit him in the nose and hear something snap but I don't care I continue hitting him, until I hear somebody behind me

"Clay stop!" I look behind me and see George, George's uncle take this opportunity and right hooks me in the jaw, I bite my tounge hard, I taste blood, his uncle pins me down and starts punching me I hear George's screams in the background, he hits me in the head and it makes me dizzy I have such a bad head ache, all of a sudden I see George walk up and smash a vase on his uncles head,

It doesn't knock him out but it gives us enough time to get away George helps me up as we quickly run outside and get in the car but only this time george gets in the driver seat, we start driving away, my head hurts so bad and everything is spinning "I'm sorry" sniff "I'm so sorry clay" I look over at George my eyes are having trouble focusing but I can tell he's crying

I look at my reflection in the windshield, damn I looked like shit, my nose was busted and bleeding, blood was leaking out of my mouth, both of my eyes were puffy and purple, my hair was a complete mess and looks like a old rag was placed on my head, my eyes slowly close as everything goes black

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