Pt 7, Safe

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I wake up in my bed my head is still throbbing, I look over and see George talking to somebody in the doorway, his eyes are red and puffy like he's been crying, The person George was talking to walks away as George walks towards me,

He sees me awake "clay" he says tears threatening again, "hello sunshine" I say forcing a soft smile, he leans on my chest, crying, "who were you talking to?" I say as he sits back up wiping his tears away, "your parents" he says "oh" I smile "do they like you?" George smiles with tears still in his eyes "I think so" he says "did you tell them about us?" I say "mMmm they said they're happy we met eachother" George says softly "not as happy as I am"

"Do you want anything?" George asks "some water would be nice" George smiles before getting up and walking out the door a few seconds later my dad walks in "hey big man" he says smiling and taking a seat next to me "hey dad" I say his expression suddenly changes into worry, "clay... you know you can't start fights" he says I look away ashamed "I know but you should've seen what he did to George" I say tears now threatening me,

My dad only laughs "you really like this George boy don't you?" He says "ya I do..." I respond, like? Words couldn't explain how much I like George in fact I love him, "isn't he amazing?" I say looking up at the ceiling my dad only chuckled "George could stay with us until he gets everything figured out" my dad suggests,

"Really?!" I say excitedly "mmMm" my dad replied just then George comes In with a glass of water in his hand "oh sorry am I interrupting something?" He says "oh no I was just about to leave" my dad says getting up and leaving George hands me the water

"Guess what?" I say "what?" He responds "my dad said you could stay here with us until you get stuff figured out!" I say "wait really?!" He says "yep" I respond he gets in bed with me and cuddles up next to my side, he nuzzles my cheek with his head "clay" George says "hmmm?" I respond

"I love you," I pull him in tighter, "I love you more tho" I say laughing "nope I love you more" George says with a grin "I beat up your abusive uncle for you" I say grinning "I saved you from my abusive uncle" he argues "ok fair" we move closer to eachother,

"George?" I say "hmmm" he responds "don't ever get everything figured out ok?" I say, he laughs "ok I won't"


The next day I woke up sadly it was Monday and being absolutely wrecked is not a good enough excuse to skip school according to George "but I'll be so lonely without you" he says pouting "you can last one day," "but what if some guy hits on me?" He asks I look over at him "other guys hit on you at school?" I say "I mean ya? And some girls too" that's all I needed to convince me as I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom unsurprising I still look like shit I tried to fix my hair, that's the least I could do,

"clayyy" George hollers "ya" I respond "what do I wear" I leave the bathroom and walk over to my closet, I find a old pair of my shorts and one of my t shirts that was definitely to big for him I hand it to him and surprisingly he doesn't go in the bathroom and gets changed infront of me,

I watch as he pulls his shirt over his head revealing his bruised torso, the bruises had slightly faded but they were still visable, he then pulled down his pants revealing his boxers and. Then covered himself with my t shirt that went down to his mid thigh and my shorts, from a few years ago that if anything were too small for him, I walked up to him and grabbed his waist burrying my face in his hair

"Clay let go! We're gonna be late!" He says squirming, I roll my eyes before releasing him I lead him downstairs, we put our shoes on, and walk out the front door, I let him walk a little infront of me so I can grab his ass, he squeals "clay!" he complains as he shoos me away I walk back up next to him as I grab his hand we get to school and sit next to eachother as usual

The teacher asked a question and George raised his hand "mr Davidson" she calls "the ans-" he starts but is cut off when I grab the inside of his thigh, George coughs "umm sorry the answer is-" I squeeze his thigh again "567" he finally answers, "correct" she says as she writes it on the board "I would hit you so hard right now if you weren't already beaten up" he whispers to me, I laugh my hand remains on the inside of his thigh the rest of class occasionally squeezing it

The bell rings and everybody gets up to leave including us, right before we go our separate ways I I pull him in and passionately kiss him, he pushed away "clay! We're in public!" George complains "well ya that's kinda thats point" I say pulling him into another kiss before I completely pull away I get really close to his ear and wisper "I want everybody to know your mine"

We go our separate ways, in the middle of one of my classes I get a text from George

George<3-isn't this your friend? And why is he looking at me like that?


I laugh it's a picture of nick starring at George like he wants to kill him, I had told nick to keep a eye on George but not be too obvious about it, when I heard that people have been hitting on George, nick obviously didn't hear the last part tho

-ya lol I may or may not have told him to keep a eye on you after you told me about the guys hitting on you,

George<3-your a psychopath

-your psychopath<3

The rest of the day went smoothly and as usual I George met at the front of the school

"How was your day" I ask "same as usual" he shrugs "I could change that" I say I'm a flirty tone "oh my good shut up" he responds "no I mean it" I say in a stern tone, "just wait until we get home" I say grinning George blushes

The rest of the walk home was awkward and silent, right when we got home tho and the door closed behind us I pushed him against the door


I pin his hands over his head with one of my hands, I use my other hand to roughly palm him I connect our lips and he moans into the kiss, he quickly opens his mouth as my tounge enters, he sucks on my tounge at some point causing me to groan, I remove my hand that was palming him and move it up to his waist and hips,

He then starts grinding on me I feel our erections push against eachother, I groan I tap his thigh motioning for him to jump up which he does as he wraps his legs around me, we walk up stairs our lips still connected, I throw him roughly on the bed

We start stripping as we take off each others clothes until we aren't even wearing boxers revealing are erections, "prep?" I ask "just fuck me right now" George says I oblige and pull one of his legs over my shoulder as my tip pokes at his entrance "ready?" He nods "f-fu-ck me s-o hard daddy un-til I c-ant ev-en stand up" i don't hesitate and quickly push into him giving him no time to adjust, I grab the thighs and quickly thrust in and out "aUuahg" George moans

He tries to cover up his face but I won't have any of it as i move his arm away from his face pinning his two hands above his head with one hand while my other stays on his hip, "don't hide, let me see that pretty face princess" George just moans again, eventually I find his prostate which I continuously abuse "dad-daddy I'm gonna c-um" George says "try to hold it baby" I say as I thrust faster,

George then cums all over our abdomens "i thought I told you to hold it" I say still thrusting into him "I'm-I-m sorry I tried nHg" George says "it's ok but you'll have to be punished now" as I speed up, still holding George's hip and thrusting him into me, I'm going even deeper and faster

"Cl-ay I'm g-on-na hGn cum again" George says "me too" I say I feel the white liquid once again cover our abdomens seconds later I cum in George, I thrust the cum into him a few more times before collapsing on top of him, while still in him,

We stay like that for a bit, just happy to be in each other's embrace "George, we should probably clean up" George groans "MmM" he says shaking his head "George come on" I plead "no" he says stubbornly "we stink tho," I plead again "what if I wash you and shampoo your hair and dry you and dress you in my softest clothes" I say "fine" George says, I slowly pull out of him, George whines while I do it, I watch as my cum drips out his hole,

I lead him to the bathroom and keep my promise as I scrub his hair and softly wash every inch of his body before getting out and drying him gently and picking out my most softest hoodie for him, I change the sheets before laying back in bed with George in my arms,

I say the thing I've said so many times before and Will so many more "I love you George" but this time he says it back "I love you dream"

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