Pt 8, dont

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I wake up at 3:am to only realize something's missing, "George?" I say but nobody answers I get up and walk downstairs looking for him, I see that the front door is open and I slowly creep towards it and there I find George, but he's doing something I wasn't expecting "George? are you smoking?" Once he's aware of my presence he quickly hides the cigarette behind his back

I walk up to him he doesn't say anything he looks up at me wide eyed like he's scared, I grab his hand he was hiding behind his back and grab the cigarette from his hand, I inspect it before dropping it on the ground and crushing it with my foot,

"Clay i-" George starts but I interrupt him "seriously George?" I say pinching the bridge of my nose "what were you thinking?" I say disappointment clear in my voice, tears start to bubble up in George's eyes I don't want to make George cry that's the last thing I want to do, my stern look on my face quickly falters as I pull George into a hug

"Oh no baby don't cry" I say squeezing him George starts to sob "I-I sniff I'm sorry" George cries into my chest "are you sniff mad at me-e?" George cries "no baby I just don't want you doing that, you know it's bad for you" I say softy

I lead George back up to my room, we lay back comfortably in eachothers arms "George?" I say "ya" he responds "how long have you... been smoking?" He turns his gaze away from me "since I was twelve... " he says "my dad used to smoke them all the time he would always leave packs around i don't know I guess it just seemed cool to me" "and after my parents died it got worse" George explains, i burry my face deeper in his hair

"George don't do it anymore ok?" He doesn't say anything, "George please" tears begin to threaten my eyes, "I don't like making promises I can't keep clay, but I promise I won't" he says a little bit later we slowly drift off to sleep comfortable in eachothers embrace,


I wake up the next morning to my alarm, I look over at George, I really didn't want to go to school today and I decide not too, as I wrap myself back between George's arms, "don't we have to get up?" George mumbles, "no darling go back to sleep we're not going to school today" his face nuzzles my chest, His arms are wrapped around my torso, and his head lays comfortably on my chest, as my eyes slowly flutter close all I think about is George,

We end up sleeping almost all day waking up around 6 pm, once in a while one of us would wake for a few minutes before drifting back to sleep, at 6 pm we both made the executive decision to get up so we do, we both go in the bathroom and take turns brushing our teeth I let George use my tooth brush, I give George a oufit to wear and I pick out one for myself, "hey George do you wanna do something today?" I ask "it's 6pm" he laughs "so?" We make some food before leaving the house, it was already starting to get dark,

"where are we going?" George asks as he often does "I don't know" I say as we walk down the street hand in hand, when all of a sudden something happens, I feel a wet droplet on my head followed by a array of even more, "it's raining" George says we run down the street in the rain laughing like little kids, we even stop and grab eachothers hands and spin around for a bit, I pick goerge up by the waist and kiss him, as the sky showers us in small droplets of water, we dance we laugh we run, all that mattered in that moment was us, me and George

After a while we start walking home, George was walking beside me as my arms held him close, we eventually get back at around 10 pm we grab some towels and dry eachother off before changing into A new pair of clothes and run downstairs and make two cups of hot chocolate before sitting on the couch we agreed on a movie, and cuddled eachother with a blanket laid over our laps, "hey George can you say it?" I ask "say what?" He says looking at me "I love you," I respond unexpectedly he does it "I love you clay" he says leaning his head on my chest

"I love you too my little prince" I say tightening my grip on him, even though we had slept most of the day we fell asleep in eachothers grasp and I wasn't complaining because all I need to be happy is George

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