Like a Brother.

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A few weeks had passed since Frank's birthday. His behaviour towards me hasn't changed, he walks away from me in the corridors, avoids my gaze every time I glimpse at him and sits the furthest possible from me when we're having lunch.

Yesterday I found the bag I left in Frank's house inside my locker, I don't know how it ended up there (I'm the only one who knows the password), but there it was, thank god anything was missing. I also found a little piece of paper with something scribbled down with messy handwritting.

"Under the bleachers, after lunch."

Whoever wrote it must know I have a free period after lunch, otherwise I wouln't be walking up to the bleachers in this moment.

I think I know where is this leading to but I think I don't have any other option than cooperate, even though I'm kimda scared of what could happen.

I made my way through the crowds of people that walked into their respective classrooms and accidentally catched some weird looks from Shania and her friends.

Pretending I didnt saw her I straightened my clothes and kept walking, trying to look confident.

Trying, but failing in the inside.

I love this outfit, why would they stare at me like i had a mental disease?

Don't listen to them Rosie, they're not worth your time.

By the time I finished my internal I had reached that huge football pitch. I never had the opportunity to take notice of it, and I'm not interested on it anyways, but it was huge, all in all.

I searched with my eyes for the bleachers and found them at the far end. They were painted brown, they looked polished and almost brand new.

They didn't have any stuff like this back in my old school, and for me, it was pretty impressive.

I walked around the edge of the pitch until I was in front of the wooden structure. Making sure no one was watching, I walked around it and found that the back of the bleachers were hollow, dark and plenty of space inside.

And right there, in front of my very own eyes, was sitting the guy I was afraid it'll appear.

Frank Iero.

Half of his head was covered with his hood but his unique hair and lip piercing made obvious it was him.

I didn't know how to react at first, mayne impressed, maybe afraid, maybe mad, maybe all the emotions I was feeling right there would eventually explode out of my brain and land on his face.

I internally calmed myself down and chose the best option, keep calm and find out why he made me come here.

I cleared my throat, getting his attention immediatly. He looked surprised at first but his hazel eyes calmed down and he managed to speak first.

"Oh.. Erm.. Well.." He hesitated tapping his feet on the grass "P-please c-come and... S- sit."

I did as he said, sitting in fron of him and making my best at not looking awkward.

"Why did you made me come here." I blurted out.

I wanted to know what he wanted to say first before I started to rant about what I've been thinking and feeling about him the past days.

I don't know how is this going to end up but we haven't even started and I'm already terrified.

"Um... I... I..." He kept mumbling, as if he was thinking hard which could be the best way of saying what he was going to say. I don't blame him though, even though I had talked firmly I couldn't help but pick at my nails and cross my legs as much as possible, my eyes fixed on the ground.

He looked up and I swear he glimpsed into my eyes for at least half a second before dragging them down again and scratching his arm nervously.

"W-What happened... In my birthday... It was.. My fault, I don't blame you for anything at all." He kept speaking looking down, his face boiling with embarassment.

"I was a fucking dick and you had all the right to do it, I deserved it and I'm sorry." He ran a hand through his face and a flash of forgiveness crossed my mind... This is so uncomfortable and embarassing for him... It almost makes me feel as bad as him.

"I was drunk and when I'm drunk I don't think straight and you looked so pretty in that costume..." He stopped to take an anxious breath and looked down.

Wait, what? Did he just said what I thought he said?

I looked pretty?

Blood raised to my cheeks as I kept a straigh face, darting my eyes to somewhere else.

"... I thought I'd have a chance to be with you."

No. No this can't be happening. Just no. Frank... Frank, why?

I guess there's always a first time for something.

Is the first time in my teenager life a guy says to me something like this.

I fiddled with my fingers nervously not knowing what to answer and just waiting for him to continue speaking.

He suddenly brought his body closer to mine, and since he was sitting in front of me, he made our knees touch. Making me look up at him.

His hazel eyes locked with mine for a moment and I avoided the urge to run away right in that moment.

This is not going to end up like I expected.

"Rose..." He said in a lower voice, at the edge of whispering darting his eyes downwards.

"I really, really... Li-"

"No." I shifted backwards.

"Please don't continue. Don't make this even harder." I spoke quickly, bringing my hands to my head. "Frank no, I... I don't want this to happen I... I just don't."

I watched his expression change drastically into an ashamed and saddened one, as he sighed and just stared at the ground.

"Frank no, please no... Please..." I ran up to him and sat beside him. Not knowimg what else to do I tried my best to fight and confront the situation.

I didn't have other choice anyways.

"Please Frank you've been my friend since the first day I came here and you barely know me you can't feel that way about me... You can't."

This was even harder than what I thought it would be, watch as his voice trembled and his face crunched up in frustration.

"Frank I do love you but... Like a brother, that's it... You're just like an older brother... Like Ray... I can't look at you in any other way and you shouldn't either."

I hugged his side lightly despite feeling horrible as I did it. Since I couldn't stand watching him like that anymore I just stood up and go.

Feelings shouldn't be this hard... Its the first time I've dumped someone and it feels like the most horrible thing ever.

(HIATUS) Return from the ashes I made.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang