Even more than I thought.

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"Oh fuck." I gasped as I brought a hand to my mouth, scared as I looked down at the stain of blood on the dance floor.

I even made him bleed.

My breath became fast, unsteady, nervous, my palms sweaty and my legs shaked uncontrollably.

And I did the first thing that came to my mind.

I ran, I ran so fast I cant believe I didnt trip on something or someone.

I ran out of the house down the street, dodging little kids, avoiding the looks of the people and trying not to think.

And I kept running until the soles of my feet were burning as much as my knees.

I sat on the cold pavement, panting, trying to catch some breath in my lungs, not knowing what to do, or think, or say.

I hit him, I fucking hit him, hard. From all the options I had, I picked hit him. I could've just yelled or slap him, I'd have been a better thing than watching his nose bleed as he stumbled to the floor.

He's gonna hate me for the rest of my life, that's for sure.

I brought my hands to my head, still breathing heavily, my legs shaking.

I heard my name being called in the distance.

I must be hallucinating. I thought to myself.

A black figure running in my direction, getting bigger and bigger by moments, could be seen in the distance.

Its Gerard.

I heard the sound of his shoes tapping in the floor before he appeared beside me, just as tired as I looked a few minutes ago.

"R-Rose, I-I..." He attempted to talk between pants, but gave up, limiting himself to just sit next to me and catch some air.

Why would he run after me?

His cheeks were red and flushed from the effort and he coughed a couple of times before trying to speak again.

"W-Why did y-you punch Fr-Frank?" He stuttered, still trying to regulate his breath.

The question was so intimidating I didnt know what to answer.

"I-I... I..."

Mumbling mode activated.

"I... W-was... I-I... wasn't..." I tried to find the best words to explain it properly, and not freaking out again, all at the same time.

"G-Gerard I, h-he... W-was..." I stuttered barely in a whisper, my head just about to collapse and explode from overload.

"He what, Rose?" He turned to look at me, confussion in his voice.

I felt my cheeks boiling and my eyes about to water, and failing at avoiding it, I felt a strangled sob formed in my throat.

"Hey whats wrong now?" He must be tired and fed up. All I've done around him so far has been mumbling, sobbing and being an awkward shit.

Im not like this, I hardly ever cry about things and for fucks sake I've never been this shy around people ever in my life! Why, why around them, why around him?! Why did they make me act different?

I realised that while I thought all these things, my head still buried in my hands, I didnt stop myself from crying.

"L-Leave me alone!" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jerked it away.

"Rose you-" I wasnt thinking straight but I didn't care.

"I dont need you!" I cried again standing up aggresively. A hand sizes my wrist and makes me turn around, a strong grip on my shoulders won't let me go.

(HIATUS) Return from the ashes I made.Where stories live. Discover now