Izuku's new job -p.1

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start of the story is oficialy there! HOPE YOU ENJOY THE STORRY AND not get bored. it's my first one so i"m still working on it. I,m young you know...

It's now 6:00 am and the rooster outside start singing his signature song of everyday. Izuku is already up dressing in a white button up shirt and brown pants, ready to go take his breakfast with his mom. As he stumbled down the stairs, Inko walked to the door pouting on her shoes.

"Whatcha doing mom?" Asked Izuku with the mouth full.
"Oh, i just wanted to go today in the forest to restock our fruits and veggies. I also need to search for médicinal herbs." Said inko with a big smile.
"I can do it for you. You can go get meat we have only one chicken left."

Inko smiled, and lend the two baskets to izuku who grabbed them and dashed through the door. He saddened his grey horse and lead her outside. The young fellah rode while whistling happily and greets the marchands and ladies. Many where working and others where just wondering around.

Brocoli's POV

As i passed the village's gate entrance, i continued to ride my speed, this time silently. A carriage with some heavy bags where entering the gate. A veggie stand is in the road with a few buyers. You know, my mom never buys the fruits or medicine in the stands, because we can go search for them. We don't buy it there because it's to expensive. 2 gold coins on a 750g bag. And y'a, we are having little financial problems. And i really want to help her somehow. I already did part time jobs such as sweep the flor or help carry bags but nobody trusted ne with carieges. They think that I suck at maneuver the reins.

I continu to ride till a beautiful field came in view. In this part of the forest grows the most tasty mushrooms 🍄 😋 .
My mom likes to make jams or mushrooms salad with them 🥗.
I'm not a fan of these suspicious plants but I do have a favourit. I'ts dark blue with black lines on the outside. They taste like lemon and brocolis with a hint of an unknown other flavor.

"ok let's get to work... eeewwwww!!!!!!"

The pink mushroom with tentacles is my mother's favourit, but it smels GROSS!!! LITERALLY! Ok 3 is enough.

When i was donne with these plants dressed in hats, i switch place and started to look for berries. Oh! I remember a valley next to the farming lands. In these valleys i find a basket full of different frutes + the ones that only grow's here: the dragon frute. ( SEE WHAT I DID HERE?) ~

~~~~~~~~Time skip cause we are not interested~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It's past noon when i get home and my mome just finished to cook the fish and beef meat. She greeted me with her causual warm smile and i smiled back. Taking out some brocoli and eggplants for the salad, my mom turned to face me and stoped me from making any gesture. Just then, a hint of glowing sparcles who are noticeable from here eyes are making me confused.

" i know that you and Uraraka didn't see each other for already one year and that her family company does not have houses to renovate, i proposed them to come here and help me out with thw flower shop to make it biger. And maybe who know's, they will have thongs to re-do in the village. Ofcorse they accepted!" Inko saise happily skkiping on one leg to another while claping hands.

My eyes whent wide then back to normal and back wide when he was done procecing the news.

" Yes! Me and Kami-kun missed her so much! when does she arrive?"

Just as if fate had read my mind, Kaminari-kun dashed through the door followed by a teary beta who was no orher than Uraraka-san.

"hey guys! I freaking missed you so muchhh~ " whined the smal wannabe whitch.

Then we embraced each other in a big group hug, shortly joined by my mom.

"ok then kids, why don't we finish making the salad and the rice, then i will invite the parents to a take a cup of tea.?" suggeste my mom.

We all took a quick glance at each other, and then smiled widdly.

After i finished with Kami-kun to cut the salad Uraraka and mom did the rice. The brunet showed my mom a flacon with mixed herbs she calls 'spice'. What the hell is that thing? She then poured the half of the mix in the rice. My mom took a spoon and mixed in the rice. I look at it and i can't help but be confused, tho the smell is salivating.

The parents started to enter the house and took a seat at the table as Inko served them.

Time skip~ ~~~~~~~~~~ with brocoli, pikachu boy and floaty.

Zuzu's POV

That's it. I don't like spicy food. I almost threw up at the table. Imagine if i did, so embarrassing! *insert sad music*. I still have a stomachache after 30 mins of staying calm. Uraraka invited me to go outside, maybe it will help.

"So... for how long you'r staying?" Asked Denks.

"For ever! I will grow here, i will have my marriage here, i will olden here and i will die here!" Says the brunette with sparkles in the eyes.

"That's nice!" I say and chuckles followed fast by both of my friends. Then a question pops in my head.

"Do you have any ideas of jobs you might want to do?"

"Yes ,me. I wanted to maybe do something that has to go with the royals. Honestly, i always have wanted to go in the castle and work there. I think it's a great opportunity to look in the castle and have a god relation with the royal family. Plus you are living in luxury and you have your one room and section. One section for betas, which i am, a section for omegas, like you and Uraraka and one for the alpha, but it's smaller. They are not many of them working there. Oh and let's not forget to ad the royal section, where only the price's personal maid is allowed."

Wow... Denki does know a lo.

"My mom is the gardener, so she tell's me a few thing to know before going to ride a post there. So you guys in?"

"Yes! If it pays well..." says Uraraka smirking.

The truth is that i would LOVE to work in the lux, who wouldn't? But even if Denki says that the alphas will be a part from the omegas, i can't help but shiver. I know what my mom has been through with alphas and I'm genuinely scared. Even more if the prince will be there. In the village i heard rumours of him being an asshole and a merciless brute, so since then i avoided to come near the royal family when they come to visit. Even more the alphas in general, i don't trust them back when i was 7.

"Y'a Mido, i know what you'r thinking, but give it a try. We are going high you and plus, you'r safe in the castle. The king and queen won't tolerate any forme of violence. And about he prince, don't worry about it, many are working there and are still alive. *thank's to his mother*. But anyway, give it a try."

The brunette implored, but i won't budge. I hate alphas and I'm scared the crap out of me at the idea of the second gendered demons. And the prince, who i don't know the name, will try to murder me! I know that! Because of my sent first of all, i attracted many eyes. Alphas only. And second, i heard how Martha, his personal made of what i heard' is complaining of what a disrespectful child he is, a pain to take care of and a turbulent disturbance. So me working there, never.

"No. I wont Oha, i-i can't. I-it's like a phobia or something. I want to go and work as a planter. Something calmer than all that..."

"Ok, i understand.. It wont be the same with out you!" Said the pikachu.

They all went to their respective homes accompanied by the parents, following far behind.

oki doki, the firs chap was sooooo long bruh. Sorry if i don't post on a daily basis, but you know. How do you like this book so far? I hope you do. Pleas, if you are struggling youth life like i do come to me, because unlike some, i care for who you are. I'm a very sensitive person when it comes to death or other touching subject. I'm doing this story in school brakes by the way. have a good day. 1476 words.

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