todoroki and the omegas

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shoy disapeared for already 2 days and i'm woried... i hope he is fine.... nothing really to say only that i'm not at my best. Feelings are after me....

Todoroki P,O,V

Had been a long 8 hours ride to get to the dragon kingdom. I was getting tired riding Losange, but when a guard pointed to a white dragon, i felt relived. 

My father just glared at me the whole way there, sitting in his royal carossery while the omegas rode in another one way more beat up then my fathers, obviously.

When we got to the principal gate, a blue hared guy and his shark toothed friend came to greet us by opening the silver heavy metal gates for us to enter the castle grounds. I got off my horse and lend it to a young lady with pink hair that also helped tsuyu, my felow asistant, with her one chest nut stud.

My old man steped in front of the shark and comended him to get us to the soon-to-be king who apparently was in the library arguing like a child. 

 "Go mind your buisness and don"t bother me with tiny details. Like i care what he feels like. Omegas are weak and stupid. Still when the ice bastards are comming? better soon, don't like waiting."

How sweet of him. Such a nice way of calling his opponents. I decided to give his nice way of presenting us back to him by a short answer, surprizing him in the process.

" You don't need to, anymore."

He looked at us with wide eyes before composing his usual scowl on the face. 

" I don't want to be here longer than needed. Go get your parents and come see the omegas we specialy choosed for you." said my old crasy man.

°°°°°°°Time skip because i'ts not interesting°°°°°°°

3th P.O.V

All Different sized, shaped and coloured girls stood in a messy row some shyer or bolder that onther. Some beign to pushy and only waiting to be ramed and ither with to much shiness and not... enought for our prince. And their sents all to floral and gentle, not for the alpha's liking. What the alpha wanted, is a bold, not to much, but talkative, lively, strong sent that can make him fall head over heals with it and all beyond that, a lovable partner that he will love and protect still knowing he will get all of it in return. but neither of them had it. He just feels it. The dominant alpha in him knows what he is looking for. Here, Bakugo dose not have a choise other than listening to his instincts. 

"Not this one. Too... four eyes vibes."

"This one either, making slye eyes to me triyng to get in my pants"

"No Jesus! All pale with broken skin, non nurished and..... just disgusting"

And in a blink of an eye, not surprisingly, he passed all girls giving his rude reasons not to choose them. Ufortunatly, beight a royal deprives you from choosing you lover by heart. If not done the choise early, then the trade omega group will be transported here for you to look at them and make your decision. if at 18 the royal still didn't foud his omega and qween, then they can say 'hello!' to an aranged mariage.

??? P.O.V

"Our Bakugo deer still hasent found the omega of his life. No luck this time either THIS IS SO SAD! How can our kingdom tolerate this? I picked the best pair of sweetharts from the whole ice village! My, my, this is not twingling at all....... "

Ya.. um.. Poor bakubich. But if i ever get this chance for him to only spare a glance in my direnction, I'm on my hands and knees!

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