a sweet discovery

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I am so sorry it took so long to update. And i wont make up any excuse for my absense. I did have school and the barn to take care of, but the mane reason of my absence was that i forgot about this story. I was reading one and forgot about this. GESS WHAT I WAS READING? deepest despair by ??? if the autor reads this, pls tell me so i can modifie this chap and add your name here, or is anyone who knows the storry. Thx! :P

Izuku P.O.V

The prince leaved me in his horrible room and spined on his heals leaving me alone to clean up. I won't complane i kinda enjoy to clean cause it's making my mind relax off the stuff around me. I start of by picking his dirty claugths and throwing them in a basket to wash them in the bathroom. as i'm hard at work, i remembered the letter i rote to my bestie, todoroki. Ijust hadn't seen him in a long time so we made a promis to contact eachother. the only dizadventage is thet you have to wait a day or two for the response. 

Dear  Sho,

i've been missing you very much lately. i would hope to come back and pay you a visit but my job beign the prince's Katsuki Bakugo's personal servant is going to be more complicated and  will take almost all my time. So i hoped if insted me going to your kingdom, you could come here! is it a good proposition?


P.S.S: I learned the news the hard way...

your frind forever, izuku midorya.

As i finished to pick the dirty claugths of the floor, i started to wash them then put them on the balcony to drye them off. Next step i aranged the bed sheets, pillows,swiped the floor, washed the dust of the rug, washed of the dust of the shielfs and then mounted on a chare to clean the top of the cupboards.

As i climbed up the chare my eyes wedened because of the corner of my eye i could see what is under the bed of the prince. My eyes furowed for a better look and realization hit me, sudenly when a smile creaped on my face. 

Aww! stufed animals where hiden under the bed in the very back! I can distinguish a bunny, a cat and a dragon! I remember when at home i used stufed animal for my nest, it always makes me comfortable. Snaping back to reality, i Finished to rub the last spot and clibed off the chare. Then my mind was telling me to go and see the plushies, but i knew that if i was spoted in rufling between the prince's things i will be scauled. 

With a last glance at the door, i ran under the bed to take the plushies out. Gently i sqweezes 2 in my chest and i smelled them. Geez! They smell just like the prince! Dark coffe with melted caramel..... 

It seems that i have lost the track of time because i woke up with the 2 plushies still pressed on my chest and a strong kick in the ribs that made me clamps my arms aroud my torso. 


"ya well you shouldn't look througt stuff that's not yours espetially mine! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED!"


I left the room leaving the omegan kid alone to his cleaning. As i climbed down the stairs to go to the barn i overheard a conversation between carrot fur (maeli),  fat ass (Avee) and frog face (you know who). Frog face is way more smart than those bratty pigs who consider themselfs as the todoroki's fiance just because they linked to the family. Altought, i will never admit it out loud.

'' I can't wait to see my sweet baby shosho!'' yapped one carrot fur.

'' You girls are going to invite me to the wedding, right?'' asked froggy.

''yes deffinetly!'' answered fat ass with a high pitched voice.

I just rolled my eyes and continued on to my destination. I would never admit it, but i have a soft spot for horses. Espetially my Busky. A bay hanovrian. (bay is a skin color which is common. my fav btw. It's when the horse has black legs and hair but the rest is brown. This skin has a BUNCH of different variations. immagine it how you want!) she is the best beasty you whish for, but suck it up, i aint sahing!

''Hey busky!', i said after arriving at the same levle as the yard she is resting in. She draged her feet lasily on the ground and finally made it up to me.

'' How are you beautifull? Hope you are having a nice time with the other annoyng extras?"

Talking about extras... whet is the nerdy bush doing? might as well check on him...

I entered the castel with big steps as i entered my appartment and slamed the door open only to finde the darned green scum on the carpet floor with... *insert weerd choking noises* my old teddy bears that.. i still had (?) 

Thats when the whole world turned bloody red. I was mad but out of my mind, WHO DOSE HE THINK HE IS, TOUCHING MY STUF AND SLEEPING IN A MESSY BALL ON MY CAPET FLOOR!!! Fullyfied with addrenaline, i ran up to him and stoped right in front of the mess and kick him in the ribs wich also woke him up from his slumber. 

"oww..." he weened.

" That's what you get from touching my things!" i yelled. 

Deep inside, my alpha was disapointed and sad i i just scared the living shit out of the poor omega who's tail was now in between his legs befor disapearing along with his ears. I never really payed much attention to the weekling dominant alpha who was burried in the inside. I know people said that is was a wrong mouve to do, but i knew better that that shitty wolf inside me, I am much stronger, much better, much hadsome... I am perfection... THE Katsuki BAkugo!!!

I was lost in toughts that i never saw the boy leave my room in tears. Welp, shit hapens, nothing new. DOn,t tell me that you never fucked up! Oh you did not just replied back to me, ididot! 'don't hUrT tHe BrOcOlIiIiIIIiIii' 'Go AnD aPpOlOgIzE RighT nOw!' Bi-

Katsuki, NO! don't be mean to the readers! YOU ARE GOING TO FAR!

OI! %?&***?%$#$%? leT GO OF MY EAR!

Baku go stop this inapropriate and grudesom behaviour this instant! 

Shut up glasses * insert dramatik eye roll*

Dont worry guys, i told mitsuki what hapened and now he is in the corner pouting and criyng after a good moral session and a red hand print on his right but cheek. He's fineeeee

:X 1140 words

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