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hiya hello thanks for clicking this book 😍😍 🫣

First, I wanted to say, If you would like to use my stories/chapters or book in general as 'inspiration' (HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt thats gonna happen 😭) I am totally fine with that, just credit me and please do not like straight up copy it.

With that said, I also wanted to clear something. I have put in the description that as of right now their is no dating between any of them.... But I think I'm leaning towards eventually making this a poly dtqk. But that maybe in the future lol. AND NO DATING BETWEEN THE DTQK AND ELIAS!!! SHE IS A MINOR AND REGRESSOR! THAT ALSO MEANS NICE LANGUAGE FOR ALL THE LITTLES LOL

(and please ignore my spelling errors, I'm not the best at english and is totally not failing)

that's really all that comes to mind, so lets meet the characters!

THE LAST NAMES I ADDED (besides George and Karl ofc) ARE FAKE LAST NAMES, and they aren't really important after the first chapter, SO PLEASE DONT THINK IM DOXXING THEM!!!


Platform name- DreamWasTaken

Real Name (in the story)- Clay Wilson

Caregiver name- Daddy (Do not sexualize this I swear-)


Platform name- Sapnap

Real (not) name- Nick Holsten

Caregiver name- Baba

(There are reasons I didn't use Armstrong as his last name— I don't even know if it's his real last name but I still won't use the name)

Platform name- GeorgeNotFound

Real Name- George Davidson

Caregiver name- gaga


Platform name- Quackity

Real Name- Alex Haas

Caregiver name- Dada


Platform name- Karl Jacobs

Real name- Karl Jacobs

Caregiver name- Papa


Platform name- none

Real Name- Elias James

nicknames- whatever comes to mind when writing :,)



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