Lost in a big store

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Quackity POV:

I woke up to the sun shining through my window onto my face.

I groaned to myself, "I really need to get me some curtains." I told myself

I slowly get up but not before stretching. Already wishing to go back to bed knowing the plans of the day is bound to be stressful.

I walk downstairs to see Sapnap making pancakes, which is honestly the only thing he knows how to make without starting a fire.

"Finally awake I see, Alex?" I hear Karl say. I turned to look at him

"Yep, wish to stay in bed too." I said, clearly sounding tired

George, hearing how tired I am, starting to laugh.

I turned to look at him, about to say something but deciding against it. I turned looking around seeing everyone but Elias.

"Is Eli not awake yet?" I asked, not specifically towards anyone, hoping to get an answer.

"No, I was about to go get her up unless, you want to?" Dream says

"Yeah, I can go get her." I said as I started walking up to her room

I knock before going in, like any human should. I see Eli sleeping on her bed, snuggling her blanket that she refuses to sleep unless she has it, big or little.

I go up to her, shaking her while saying her name quietly.

"Elias... Eli, you gotta get up." I told her softly, seeing her shifting.

"mhmm" she groans, pulling her blanket up to her neck, trying to go back to her slumber

I chuckle, "Eli, you got to get up so we can go shopping." I told her, still quietly speaking

"Fine" she says whining while stretching then sitting up, hair all over the place.

I chuckle at her 'waking up' state, putting my hand on her back and started to walk towards the door.

"Nick made pancakes, if you want one." I told her, already knowing the answer.

She looks at me with wide sparkling eyes, "Are you stupid ?!? Of course I want one!" she exclaims

I laugh shaking my head at her. We arrive at the kitchen, grabbing our plate of pancakes before joining the rest of the guys at the table.

"So," I started off, "I have already made 2 list of things we actually need." I said looking at the rest of the guys who just rolled their eyes

"So this list is for Clay and Elias," I said handing the list to Dream. "This list is for the rest of us." I say earning nods from the rest before Sapnap just starts groaning.

"Shopping would be so much easier if this idiot would just face reveal." Sapnap said, obviously addressed to Dream.

Dream just rolled his eyes before adding, "No because we have Elias."

Eli just looks at Dream with an offended face. "Hey! Whats that supposed to mean!" she exclaimed

"It means that nobody knows who you are," Dream stated, "If someone walked up to us asking for a photo, they would be confused on why a child would be with us."

"Oh yeah." Elias said before going back to her pancakes


Elias' POV

After I finished my pancakes I rinsed my plate, putting it in the dishwasher.

"Okay i'm gonna get ready." I told the group of guys that were chatting

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