Chapter 1: Breakdown

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The wind blew a gentle, sweet-smelling breeze across my face as I walked out onto the balcony of the Avengers compound. I took a deep breath of the familiar New York City air. I turned, hearing footsteps behind me. It was my adoptive father, Steve Rogers.
"Hey, Dad." I said.
"You okay, kid?" He replied.
"Yeah. I-," I stopped, taking a shuddering breath. "I miss him."
He put his arms around me and tears began trickling down my face.
"It's going to be okay, Y/N. I'll always be here for you, I promise."
'You have no idea how untrue that is...' I thought.

It took me a moment to realise, it was raining. Looking up, I saw dark gray clouds. Then, the sky flashed white with lightning. Seconds later, deep, rumbling booms of thunder assaulted my ears.
"Let's get inside before we get soaked." Steve shouted.
"Agreed!" I replied.

We went inside, and moved my damp hair out of my face. I said hello to Thor Odinson, who had just arrived, then went to my bedroom. Closing the door, I walked to the middle of the room and collapsed onto my knees.
I let the waterfall of tears I'd been holding back stream down my face. Sobs wracked my body.
Hopeless anger now joined the sadness inside me. I felt a scream of anger, hopelessness and despair rise up inside me. I let it out; let all the bottled up emotions escape into that scream. I didn't care if the other Avengers heard me.

I heard footsteps running down the hallway, just as I'd expected. Steve and my adoptive mother, Natasha Romanoff, were first to come running in, with my boyfriend, Bucky Barnes, right on their heels. Before they could reach me, darkness rushed up and enveloped me in the warm, welcoming embrace of its arms.

Hello! This was chapter 1! Sorry it so short...
318 words


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