Part 6: Run Away

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The facility was silent apart from the sound of muffled voices coming from the meeting room. It was 2 days after the incident, and I had a plan to interrupt the meeting that was being held. My friend, Peter Parker and I were, "Not required to attend the meeting." Or so Tony said, anyway. Peter was in his room, sleeping. He had, foolishly, left his web shooters on his nightstand, and I planned to steal them.

I snuck into his room, grabbed his web shooters and ran. Then, I burst into the meeting room. With the help of the StarKeeper, I stopped time around me. I ran over to Bucky, removed his arm and said, "Sorry, Beetle."
Then, I took the fox symbol out of my pocket, stuck it to my chest and pressed the nose. My familiar black suit formed instantaneously. I put on Peter's web shooters and strapped Bucky's arm to my back. Then, I sped time up again to its normal speed.
"¡Adiós, amigos!" I called, then I turned and jumped out the window.

I fell 20 feet before spreading my wings, and soaring high into the air. I laughed, then stopped in midair, turning to see if anyone was chasing me. I saw Sam Wilson, Rhodey and Tony right on my trail. I turned and flew upwards, then turned once more to face them. I curled into a tight ball and dropped, speeding towards the group like a meteor.

Once I had passed them, I used Peter's web shooters to swing from building to building. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a red blur flying towards me. Peter grabbed me, swinging low to the ground. We landed, rolling over each other. I sprang up and went to use the web shooters, only to find that Peter had taken them back.

I turned and ran into an alleyway, but instantly regretted it. Tony and Rhodey landed in front of me and Sam hovered above me. Bucky dropped in, landing in front of me. Flipping his hair back, he glared at me. I saw the burning light of anger in his eyes, and realised what he was about to do.

He pushed me over, saying, "You asshole, Y/N! I thought we'd talked about this!"
He grabbed his arm from off my back, putting it back on. I stood up, blood trickling down my cheek from a deep cut.
"It was just a joke, James. Why can't you take jokes lightly?" I panted.
"Don't call me James." Bucky hissed.
"I'll call you whatever the hell I like, James Buchanan Barnes!" I snapped. I had tears falling steadily down my face as I gave him a hurt look.

Before he could launch himself at me, I shot upwards. Sam tried to stop me, but I kicked him in the chest. I sped away, wanting to get as far from Bucky as possible without leaving the city.

~time skip brought to you by Y/N getting her ass away from Bucky~

After a while, I landed. Exhaustion, pain and overwhelming emotions fought for dominance in my mind. In the end, exhaustion won me over and sleep came not long after. I slept on top of the building, my wings covering me for warmth and protection.

Hey hey hey! I hope you enjoy this part. Feel free to comment and react (maybe even vote)


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