Part 5: The Mission

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The sun shone brightly as I walked out onto the aircraft landing area. There was a jet waiting for me. Nat was beside me; she was going to be my pilot. I turned around, hearing footsteps come running up behind me.

It was Bucky. I smiled, stopping so he could catch up with us. He said nothing, only grabbing my hips and pulling me towards him. He kissed me as if his life depended on it. I kissed him back. When we broke apart, he said, "Can you make me a promise?"
"Yes." I replied.
"Promise you'll come back to me. Promise you'll never leave my side."
"I promise."

Confusion wracked my brain, as we took off. I was getting flashes of déjà vu. This wasn't the first time I'd made a promise to someone. I just couldn't place who I'd made it to. Then I remembered who: my birth father, Maxim!
"Promise me that no matter what anyone says to you, you will always be vigilant and brave."
The promise echoed through my head.
'I've kept it haven't I?' I wondered.

~short time skip~

It wasn't long before we reached the destination. My mission was to spy on an unknown... person. Nat landed the jet on top of a building, then turned to me saying, "Be careful out there, Y/N. We don't know if this... person... is dangerous."
"I will." I replied.

~time skip brought to you by Y/N being sneaky~

Two days had passed, and I had the target exactly where I wanted him. We were in an alleyway and, despite being huge, I had managed to corner him. I was pointing a gun at him. He put his hands in the air, and said softly, "Don't do this, Little Flower. Please." I inhaled sharply.
"Who are you? Show me your face!" I asked, my voice shaking. He stepped forwards into the light.

I gasped, dropping my gun. I ran forward, into his arms.
"Dad!" I cried. It was my father, Maxim! He hugged me tightly. I looked up into his bearded face and saw worry enter his eyes. I stepped back, saying, "Dad? What-"
I never got to finish. 2 bullets hit me; one piercing my flank and the other lodging itself deep into the palm of my hand. I collapsed, then looked up to see Maxim disappear. It had been an illusion all along.

I reached up to press the button on my A.T.C.D (auditory translation and communication device) that was settled in my ear. The familiar, calm voice said, "Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark."
"W-we have a c-code red... s-send help..." I panted. On the other end, I heard Tony shout, "WE HAVE A CODE RED!
Y/N is injured! Nat, you know what to do!"
"Got it!" Said the voice of Nat. That was the last thing I heard, before I fainted from exhaustion and pain.

~time skip brought to you by Bucky being panicked~

"Princess! Princess, wake up! Please, Princess. Please... Don't leave me."
I woke to someone desperately shaking my shoulders. It was Bucky.
'Well of course it was... who else would call me Princess?' I thought.
It took me a moment to realise that Bucky had his face buried in my neck. I heard him sob, "Princess... please... come back to me... you promised..."

I ran my fingers through his hair, then winced as pain shot up my arm. I murmured into his ear, "It's okay..."
He lifted his head, tears still trickling down his face. I flinched, hating myself for making him cry.
"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.
"I'm sorry... Please, don't cry." I replied, wiping the tears off his face.
"Princess, you are the only person who I'd cry tears for."
I opened my mouth to speak, but he pressed his lips to mine before I could say a word.

I sat up and stretched, but instantly regretted it as pain shot through me. "Is everything okay here, Buck?" Steve was standing in the doorway. His eyes lit up when he saw I was awake.
"Y/N, you're awake! How are you feeling?" He asked.
"To be honest, I feel like absolute sh¡t." I replied.

Hello lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this part. Sorry for not posting as much, I've been busy with school 😑


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