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Mate: someone you see, once you look into there eye you know it's them. You just know. Their scent is just that much more attractive to you. Their looks are also that much more attractive. Everything about them draws you in. Helplessly. You start to fall, you lose everything. You willing the sacrifice your life for your mate.

But for three years. I've hid myself. Let the pain come and go. Let the wounds stay and never heal.  Let pain torture me. He doesn't even know I'm gone. Am when I am, the pain doubles, it triples. But I can't hide forever. Sooner or later I'll be discover, then it comes the pain. The pain of rejection. Both sides have to suffer. Hoping they will reconciled. But I'm doubting that'll happen to me. Ever.

Bruises sit itself on my abdomen, live a little village, some old. Some new. From prominent purplish blue bumps to faded ones. Every night I feel like I'm getting used as a punching bag. His pleasure my pain.

"It's fine."

"You can't got through this every night Grey."

"It's not like I can rock up to his room door and say, hey I'm your mate, stoping fucking Vanessa."

"How much longer will you hold it in? He'll find out soon. My brothers not stupid. I mean he is, but not that stupid, his going to fine out. Sooner or later anyways."

"Autumn I'll be fine. Why don't you run along, I have to get dressed." I shoo her out.

Turning on the hot water, I let it warm up before I turn the cold nozzle. The warmth hit my back before exploding into multiple tinier droplets. The sound of the water drowns out my thoughts and the helpless silence.

"He'll find out soon, Grey you can't hide in that shell forever. He'll open it and you'll have to face his choice."

"I haven't heard you in a while Felicia. How are you?"

"I'm good, but not doing better then I should."

Our conversations every since I found he was my mate, was short and nothing. I couldn't help it, it's my fault. But I can't help water fades my scent away from the pack. Many don't even think I'm a werewolf. I feel a presence.

"What do you want Xavier?"

"Your times coming to an end soon. You know the price you have to pay kitten if you want to stay any loner. Of course I'd want you to stay longer kitten. That price, is a the price I love the most. You know what I'm talking about."

"I know. Tonight. At the usual spot."

I turn my head to the shadow cast on the shower curtains. It slowly disappears and fades as if he never appeared.

"One more night. Just one more night moon goddess please. Spare me for the day."

9:00PM At the pack graveyard.

"Damn sweetheart. I expected you to be late."

"Let's go."

"Someone Eager."

"Eager my ass."

Xavier pulls me into hims chest

"Why can't it be me? Why that dickhead."

"Fuck off." I push him away.

"You ready?" Xavier asks

"Does it look like I have a choice?"

"Nah kitten. You could run..."

"But then the pack will be in danger."

"Doesn't it hurt. You seem to be okay with it."

"I manage." I grit.

"Have a nice sleep kitten." His elbows knuckle down onto my shoulders.

His hand wraps around my throat. Tightens it enough, so I don't die, but feel lightheaded. My head rolls back, almost snapping of my head.

"It'll be over soon."

9:00AM unknown place

"Good Morning, kitten."

"Don't call me that."

"What are you gonna do? I have your packs prize possession. I can do anything."

"You promised Xavier."

"Kitten I don't keep my promises. Now that I have you..."

His fingers caress my cheeks. A tingle of disgust explore in my body. I shiver, and yank my head away from his grip.

"You better not lay a finger, on anyone of them." I glare at him.

"I love it when your angry."

"I—" his lips cut off my words

I struggle under his grip. Weird noises come out of my mouth. His mouth trials down my neck. I continue to shiver.

The only thing I knew about this place is women only come here. Lured in by Xavier's men. They get toyed. Then tossed away like rag dolls. Once you were wrapped around his fingers, everything goes downhill. Once Xavier and his men find your weakness, they attack till you die. Till you give up and lose it.

I'm used as a price. To keep my pack safe, why? I'm the white wolf. Rarest one and last of my type. His already started attacking my weakness. The pack. I can do anything sacrifice anything for the pack.

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