Was it real?

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Stiles Pov

My sun went right into my eyes as my alarm clock screamed to wake me up. Oh, God... Ok, my head hurts. Wait. The party. Lydia.

I look aroun just to see that she's not here. Inside me I wanted so bad that she had stayed. My eyes scan the messy room carefully until they lay on a little piece of paper with a beutiful hand-writing.

I jump out of my bed almost falling and tripping over everything that's on the floor- and let me tell you that is a lot of stuff- and run over the table.

I sand in front of the note for a while. Should I open it? I mean, she left it for me so I sould open it.

As my hand goes to grab the note my heart starts to race. I look at her beautiful hand-writing closely. I never thought my name could be written this beautiful.

Dear Stiles,

I really hope you slept well and feel better. If you don't feel better please go take some painkillers. I don't know if you remember anything but I stayed the night. If you're wondering nothing weird happened. Well, If you could meet me at school today it would be nice. Just to talk. Nothing bad of course. You don't have to come of course, I don't want to force you into anything.

See you at your spot.

Love always,

Lydia Martin.

Love always. Wait, does that mean she loves me? Oh come on she just wrote it as a friend who leaves a note to her drunk sleepy friend right? Sounded weird.

I put the letter in a box where I kept Lydia's drawing of the tree. Maybe one day I'll give it back.

I take a glance at my clock. Crap. Just ten minutes for shower, breakfast and leave to school.

Don't tell me how but I made it just on time to come to my spot and see Lydia waiting for me.

Just as I open the dor the bell rings. Are you serious?

"Hey Lydia! Sorry to coe this late I overslept. We can talk at lunch tho, right?"

She looks nervously at the school entrance and me a few times. When she seems to find the right words, she finally says something.

"You know what? I'd rather talk now."

"Wait, now as in now that the class has started?!"

The thought of Lydia Martin skipping class is a turn on not gonna lie. A smirk is formed in my face.

"Lydia Martin skipping class for me. Never thought this day would come."

"Okay, leave your ego here and let's go somewhere else so we can talk."

"Is not anything bad, is it?"

"It shouldn't be."

I practically run to open the door for herand jump on my Jeep. Hope my dad doesn't catch us skipping.

AN: First of all, THANK YOU for the amount of reads this story is getting, I really appreciate it :) I'm SO SORRY to do this late and shitty update but I had a LOT going on, I hope you can understand that. Here are some updates:

First kiss: updating new chapter Thursday 30th

Stydia Love: updating new chapter Sunday 3rd

Maybe after those updates I'll update a new story I'm working on :)

See you soon cuties!



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