Special Chapter Whitebeard

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Narrator's POV

Whitebeard stretches with pleasure, something is different than usual. Only he can't figure out what it is. He wants to get up, but an arm prevents it. What the hell? He turns around and looks Ace in the face. Blinking in surprise, Whitebeard straightens up and ignores the arm. A suspicion comes to him. He looks down at himself, then can't help laughing out loud. Apparently he is now, a visitor in his daughter. Ace beside him grumbles and grabs Whitebeard by the shoulder. "Lucia, whatever, go back to sleep!" growls Ace sullenly, trying to pull Whitebeard back into the mattress. Should he explain to Ace who he's pulling into bed with him? "Son, I think you should reconsider!" says Whitebeard, amused. "What are you talking about again Lucia?" asks Ace sleepily, running his hand up Whitebeard's thigh.

When Ace tries to kiss him, it is too much for the emperor. He doesn't want to know what his children are doing behind closed doors! Whitebeard clenches his hand into a fist and hits his child hard on the head. Ace jerks up and complains, "Man Lucia what is this?" Whitebeard looks amused at Ace and then says, "Wake up first, son!" Ace still looks sleepily at Whitebeard and tilts his head. Ace's eyes snap open and his mouth flaps open and shut. "Pops?" whimpers the fire fist. Whitebeard just nods and Ace hides in his pillow. Whitebeard sees the high red ears, it seems his child is embarrassed. Ace squeaks something into the pillow. "What?" asks the head of the family. "That's just wrong!" says Ace pitifully.

Lucia's POV

I wake up and realise, first of all, that I have no control over my body. 'And with whom do I have the honour?' I ask curiously. "Ah so that's what it feels like!" says Whitebeard. 'Father?' I ask with a laugh. I feel my head nod and Ace whimpers. He's so boundlessly excited. 'All good?' I ask Ace sympathetically. "This is just wrong, Pops in your body and I'm feeling you up too!" he says in exasperation. Uhh poor Ace, he's on a roll too, first Marco now Whitebeard. And this guy? He just laughs it off. 'Take it easy, you could have kissed father too,' I try to comfort Ace. Ace gives me a nasty look, or rather Whitebeard. Ace's stomach grumbles. 'We should go and have breakfast!' I say. Ace runs out of the room. 'Uhi he's in a hurry,' I laugh. Whitebeard walks out of the room and follows Ace to the galley.

"You're really small!" Whitebeard tells me. I laugh and have to imagine what it's like for Whitebeard. Normally he looks down at everyone, now only Haruta is smaller than him. 'See that as a change of perspective,' I say to him. Whitebeard makes his way to the galley. Again and again his sons greet him, but just as Lucia. 'When are you going to enlighten the others?' I ask. "Let me have some fun," laughs Whitebeard. I snort in amusement. I thought so, the old man is enjoying this. 'What are you going to do, kiss Marco?' I ask sarcastically. "That would be an idea," laughs Whitebeard. 'Father!' I say in horror. He just laughs and enters the galley. No one seems to realise that it is not me. 'Do you think we should be offended because no one recognises that it's not us?' I ask Whitebeard. "Would you have guessed?" he asks me. 'I bet Marco would have thought of it first,' I say. I can feel his amusement.

He looks at his throne and grins, then joins Ace, who is once again eating the whole food. As soon as he sees Whitebeard, he blushes and looks at the plate. Marco looks at the spectacle and frowns. "What have you done now?" he asks, annoyed. Ace's head jerks up and he stammers something unintelligible to himself. Whitebeard just grins and I laugh, which only he can hear. Marco groans and claps his forehead. "What's wrong?" he asks more sternly. Ace looks like a tomato by now. Marco looks at Ace closely. "She's not her, is she?" asks Marco, closing his eyes. Ace nods surrenderedly. "Who?" asks Marco now. Ace looks at the ceiling and Whitebeard just looks at Marco.

Suddenly a nurse comes rushing into the room and runs to the doctor. The doctor listens to the distraught nurse. He looks horrified and storms out of the room. Marco looks up and then looks at my body. Then he turns pale and stammers, "Pops?" Whitebeard just nods, grinning. The commanders look at my body in horror. 'You love to shock your children don't you, Father' I say amused. Then Marco looks at the flushed Ace. "Ace you didn't...!" starts Marco, but can't finish his sentence. He turns green. "Oh please Ace, tell me you didn't do that!" he says to the fire fist. "It's not my fault! Lucia is my girlfriend after all!" defends Ace weakly. The others realise what Ace has done and say in horror: "ACE!" and he bangs his head on the table.

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