First kicks and the big question

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Lucia's POV

"Do I want it?" I cautiously ask the Fire Fist. Ace grins meanly at me. "At least it fits!" says Ace mischievously. "It's not a Marine uniform?" I ask cautiously, who knows what ideas this idiot will come up with. Ace turns slightly green in the face. "NO!" he denies vehemently. "But there's something about it!" I say suspiciously. Ace smiles broadly at me. "Ok now I want to know!" says Marco laughing.

"I don't!" I say resolutely. Ace just lifts me up, ignoring my protests. I don't want to, surely it's horrible! Ace laughs and continues to hold me. Marco runs after us, he wants to see me suffer. I wriggle like a fish, but it's no use at all. Ace just grabs me tighter. His eyes sparkle alarmingly, which is never a good sign. Ace just drags me to his cabin and sets me down. Marco has continued to follow us and closes the door behind him. He places himself in front of it so that I have no chance to escape. I swallow and take a few steps backwards to be on the safe side. Ace gets the bag from the baby shop. My mouth drops open as he pulls out the clothes. No way! The lighter can just leave it!

"NO!" I say vehemently. Ace and Marco just grin. "I can't get out of here?" I ask. The two nod ominously. "Still no!" I say, shaking my head. Ace walks towards me with this miserable piece of clothing. "Come on Lucia. Your clothes don't fit anymore!" says Ace purring. I flip him the bird. "Not in a million years! What am I, a lollipop?" I ask, backing away further. Ace just grins and jumps towards me. I try to dodge, but unfortunately being pregnant makes me as nimble as a truck. Ace has caught me within a minute.

Narrator's POV

Whitebeard sits on his throne and wonders what his sons are up to with his daughter again. He smiles amusedly. Since Lucia has been here, there is always something going on. His smile becomes gentle. He is happy that Ace has overcome his past. Marco is happy too and has someone to bicker with. And then he also becomes a grandfather. Whitebeard's grin widens. He is really looking forward to his grandchild. Things are bound to get even more turbulent than usual. Actually, each of his sons is happy about the new family member. He hears Lucia's shouting all the way to the top. Curious, the old man looks back at the door. What on earth are the three of them doing? "Let go, I don't want to!" he hears Lucia shout. He hears the laughter of his two sons. They must have been being nice to each other again. "Ace let me go!", Whitebeard hears Lucia hiss. He grins, sometimes his daughter can be like a cat. Prickly. Stubborn. And headstrong.

Whitebeard takes a sip from his barrel. Lucia has really shown good taste. The door is flung open. "Ace I hate you!" grumbles his daughter. Ace comes towards them and sets her down in the middle of the deck. Whitebeard snorts into his barrel. Then he laughs out loud, along with his sons, while Lucia crosses her arms. He can't describe it any other way, his daughter looks so cute. And that doesn't really seem to suit her, judging by the red expression on her face. He suspects who is to blame, the way Ace grins.

Lucia's POV

I'm standing in the middle of the deck, arms folded, mentally cursing Ace. What has he done? He's bundled me up in a candy-coloured pink dress for pregnant women that really shows off my belly. But that's not even the worst of it. On the chest it says: Daddy's little girl with an arrow on my belly. I now have red cheeks and want to hide. I hear laughter from everywhere. "Why Ace?" is all I ask, looking doubtfully at Ace. He just grins at me and says: "This is revenge for the action with the underwear!" says Ace. "So you're getting revenge for that? You know that's how wars start? Generations later our descendants will still be fighting each other because of your stupid action!" I say theatrically. Marco puts an arm around my shoulder and smiles at me. "Do you know what that's called?" he asks me mischievously. "No?" I ask. "Family argument and now give it a rest, your pants didn't fit anyway!" says Marco, giving me a little nudge. Ace comes up to me and grins broadly at me. "You know what Ace, I'll just be nice for once: YOU sleep in your cabin tonight!" I say innocently. "How bad!" laughs Ace naively. Marco helps out: "And where are you sleeping?" I grin at Marco. "Well in the new room." Ace's laugh sticks in his throat. "What?" he asks me, horrified, and I smile sweetly at him.

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