Meeting Moon's Mother (yesh, try saying that 5 times fast)

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     After Qibli and Moon started officially dating, Moon knew that he was going to have to meet her mom. Secretkeeper has always had things against SandWings. They didn't exactly know how Moon's mother would react to her only child dating the tribe she hated.
     "Do I really have to do this?" whined Qibli as they made their way across the lush rainforest. "Your mom could just come to our wedding!"
     "Slow down tiger, we've only been dating for 4 months. So don't go planning our wedding. And yes, you do have to meet Secretkeeper", replied Moon.
"Fiiinnnnneeeeeeee", he said.
As the Rain/NightWing village started to appear, they found their way to Secretkeeper's hut. After they landed and started walking, Moon gave Qibli tips on the dos and don'ts of her mom.
"1: She hates it when people show of, so don't go flashing that your Queen Thorn's 2nd in command", she listed. "2: Keep your tail barb tucked in. That's the thing she hates most about SandWings. And finally 3: This is the make or break thing. Never EVER mention anything about my dad."
Qibli contemplated all of the information. "Why not? Will I ever get to meet him? Are your parents divorced?" Qibli finally said. "Sorry if I'm asking to much", he added.
"You're not, it's totally fine. His name was Morrowseer and he died in the volcano eruption on the old NightWing island. From what I've heard, he was kind of a jerk",Moon explained. "By the way, you're curiosity is one of the things I love most about you",she finished with a wink at Qibli.
"Oh, that's what most people hate about me", Qibli replied while blushing. "And it's good to know about your father, thanks."
Moon finished leading the way to Secretkeeper's house and knocked on the door. Qibli stood just out of the doorway's line of sight. He wanted to wait until Moon introduced him. Secretkeeper gave Moon a big hug and asked why she came to visit.
     "Mom, I have someone I want you to meet. I really want you to stay open minded about him. Can you please do that for me?" Moon asked.
     "As long as he isn't a SandWing, then sure. Come on in, where is he?" she asked.
     "Well, here's the thing", said Moon nervously. "We've been dating for 4 months now, and he's from a different tribe. I love him and he loves me."
     "Then I want to see him!" she exclaimed.
     "All right, you can come out now Qibli", said Moon in a skittish tone.
     Qibli stepped out of his hiding spot and waited. He heard Secretkeeper gasp in horror.
     "How could you bring a SANDWING into my household! And now you say your dating and LOVE him!" she said in hatred. "Moonwatcher, you are just confused", she continued in a calmer voice. "Break up with him right now and find, well, anyone else from a different tribe than a sand eating lizard."
     "Mom, even if you don't approve of Qibli, I am still going to date him. I don't know why you hate SandWings so much, but don't take it out on Qibli", pleaded Moon. "I truly love him, it's not just a phase."
     Secretkeeper teared up. "I'm so sorry sweetie. I got into something with a SandWing once and that made me hate them. If Qibli makes you happy, I want you to be with him."
     "Thank you for understanding mam", Qibli said as he joined into the conversation. "May we come inside?"
     "Of course!" said Moon's mother and opened the door. Before Qibli walked in, she gave him a big hug. He wished that his family was like this. But if he made Moon happy, maybe this would be his new family.

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