Laugh it off

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"I- what? Haha! No!" Faye blurts. One thing I have realized about Faye is that she is a terrible liar. It's very, very obvious that there is, in fact something going on between the pair of them.
"You, Faye, are a horrendous liar," is what I proceed to say. 

"I know, I know!" she says, seeming slightly embarrassed. Vyne simply watches and chuckles briefly here and there. Faye laughs a bit as well and I'm beginning to think that maybe they have some sort of shared tactic, almost. A tactic of 'laughing it off'. and so, before I have time to think about what I am about to say, I blurt out, very stupidly I might add,  "Do you guys have a sort of, I don't know, joint tactic? Of simply laughing?" They look at me, Vyne raising an eyebrow.

"Max." a short pause, "What the actual hell?" Vyne continues staring at me. The corners of her mouth tilt upwards into a small smile, but still, I can feel my face getting hot. "Wow. Uh, I'm sorry. I have no idea why I said that," I manage to get out of my mouth. I feel absolutely ridiculous. I can feel the tears forming. I feel sick. Like, physically ill. And I have no clue why. I didn't even say anything bad. So I walk away. where am I going to go? No idea. Where do I want to go? Anywhere. I don't even know at this point. I could have been dead. To be honest, I probably should be dead. I mean, someone pulled the plug, didn't they? There was nothing attached to me when I woke up. It's freezing. I'm cold. I don't care, I continue walking. But I'm freezing. And my body hurts because of this freezing cold. So I run. I just run. Maybe I should try their tactics? Should I just start laughing? Maybe. And before I think anymore, I am laughing hysterically. And I can't stop. I'm crying and laughing and crying more and I honestly don't know why I'm laughing this hard. Or why I'm crying, for that matter. I suppose I don't know anything. I don't know anything about anything or anyone. Maybe I'm currently drowning. Maybe I'm dead already. Like I should be. I don't know. I don't know. I don't Know. 

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