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|1997 --- a depressed bitch was born
|1999 --- a depressed king was born
|2018 --- Ash signed to ambition musik.
| --- Nabi's mom passed away.
|2019 --- Ash debuted.
|Apr. --- Nabi Dropped out of college.
|2020 --- dad and I at each others.
| throats.
|May --- got a new job ♡!
|2021 --- dad kicked me out for a small ♡
| tattoo I got for my mom.
| --- Visits Cash and Phan in 🇹🇭 for New
|      Years.
|2022 --- meets Ash as a extra for a new bl
|Feb. --- moved into the same building as
| Ash.
| --- started working on a business
| with Ash.
| --- ¿?
| --- ¿?
| --- ¿?

Now that you're all caught up, let's get it.

This story will start off when Nala visits Cash and Phan.

BR♡KEN // ASH ISLANDWhere stories live. Discover now