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My mother loved the holidays. We always celebrated it with our big Mexican family. Since mom passed away I've been celebrating the holidays with my step father. This Christmas he decided we were going to his ex- wife's house so he can see his kids.

When mom got sick he decided to send his kids back to his ex wife's he was struggling to take care of them and my mom. I was my mom's only child.  My mother and biological father had me when they were 16 and 18. Well they broke up after I was born and he decided he didn't want to be a dad anymore.

When my mom was twenty-three she was diagnosed with stage three ovarian cancer. By the time I started school she was in remission.  She also met my step father at my school's open house. They wanted a baby but my mom had a hysterectomy and couldn't have anymore children.

They agreed to adopt a child from Korea. When they were given the okay... mom was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. She fought hard, but it had spread to her liver. The doctor said she only had a matter of hours to days. So we celebrated everything in two days. She passed away a couple of days before Christmas.

I'm going to suprise my family with my very first tattoo. It's simple, but perfect. I know my mom would have loved it.

I stand up and clear my throat.  " I know im not a part of your biological family, but I really want to thank y'all for taking me in when my mom passed away." Everyone smiled except for my step siblings' grandma. She never liked me. "Speaking of my mom. As you all know I've been wanting something I can take with me that reminds me of my mom. So I got this." I pushed up my left sleeve. A small red heart. "It's like my m-" " Why would you do that?!" Jae screamed at me. "How stupid are you!" For thirty minutes, he yelled at me. "I want you out of my house!"

Every time I tried to explain something, he wouldn't let me talk.

BR♡KEN // ASH ISLANDWhere stories live. Discover now