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October 31st, 1996

There was not much to tell about the last month in school. The more I think about it, the worse of a headache I get. I hate the drama with Y/N and Draco. Pansy's attitude towards them. Daisy and Blaise's casual sneaking off.

I've caught them shagging more times than I care to admit.

I've caught them shagging on my fucking bed.

The one thing that has really brightened up this shitty drama is Hannah.

Everyday she would ask me how I was and listen when I would talk to her about my friends and their problems. She would comfort and console me and stick close to me. She and I have even stayed with each other overnight for all-nighter study sessions.

Yes, we did actually study.

But my feelings for her have grown so much that I feel as if I may explode.


I turned my body, my broom sweeping me towards the sound of my name.

Theo's curly, dark hair was blowing wildly in the wind. "What is your problem, mate?"

"Huh?" I asked, my brain fuzzy with thoughts of blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

He sped forward, close to me and said so that only I could hear. "You've been off your game, mate. We took a substantial loss with Malfoy and he's all distracted. Do I have to worry about loosing you, too?"

I frowned. I usually took my Quidditch position as a Beater very seriously. I've been on the team since I was thirteen and I've been dedicated wholeheartedly since. "No. You don't need to worry. I'm here to stay. It's just- I've been distracted lately."

"Hm," Theo grunted. He turned away. "Well keep your head in the game, Buckley. Slytherin hasn't won first in years. We need this win."

"Yep. Got it." I replied.

We have a game against Ravenclaw this Saturday. I've been off my game, just as Theo said. I just don't know how to solve that. Maybe Occlumency? Ugh, no. Then I'd have to tell Y/N or Malfoy about Hannah when they ask me why I want to do Occlumency and it will be a nightmare.

I closed my eyes for a second and took in a large breath, filling my lungs with the clean air. As I exhaled, I opened my eyes and looked around at my team. They needed me to play well.

So I just tried to keep my brain Quidditch focused and not Hannah focused.

I hitched up my bat and leaned forward on my broom, flying towards the rest of my teammates in a bit of a haze.

After practice, which went surprisingly good, I walked out of the changing room with Blaise at my side.

We were talking about how we were sure we were going to best the Ravenclaws at Quidditch on Saturday when I felt a quick tap on my shoulder.

I turned around quickly to see the smiling blonde tampering with my thoughts. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and there were loose wisps framing her face. She was wearing her school uniform.

My heart was pounding.

She's gorgeous.

"Hannah Catherine, what a surprise." I hummed. I grabbed her arm and she walked next to Blaise and I, shooting Blaise a quick wave.

He smiled back at her and patted me on the shoulder. "I should find Daisy."

And then he was off.

"I've come to talk to you, Kayd," She said. Then sheepishly added. "And er- watch your practice. You're really good on a broom."

Dark Ends ~ Kayden BuckleyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz