Behind the Eyes of Vyncenz

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Since the first early caw of birds that echoed across the dormant city of Nordstam, he had held no reluctance to start his rouse in the sunless morning of the still quiet capital. For the subtle chirpping and the twinkling lights that littered the dark expansive tapestry above provided that utter-most perfect haven for his leisure. It wasn't long till the navy-marble fountain pen found its perch upon the old parchment within his journal. The point scribbling nearly frantic across the old frayed pages, but writing nonetheless in a waving accordance of celestial poetry. Presently, it was just about the only language he wrote in if he could help it, a force of habit seeing as his siblings were never kind enough to give their youngest kin his privacy. No matter, he had it now, and hopefully till dawn if nothing arose to interrupt his solemn scripts of rhymes and rhythms of words that adhered to the one and true beauty that never failed to leave his mind, his dreams, his ambitions... Truly to spend a day without a thought of the ravishing, cunning, lady of nightmares and fantasies all told, was impossible for the likes of Vyncenz, and the young male held no shame regarding the earnest fact.

Hours passed for what seemed like a serene eternity, all at last until his mother's pen came to a rapid halt amidst a sentence. Quick, light steps hurried toward his quarters, and the man's eyes only narrowed as they got closer. With a single whiff made of the cool air of dawn, Vyn recognized the cadence of steps before she even opened the door- and with a rather vigorous unhinge of its latch as well.

"Nodyav..." His golden hues merely held their descended stare toward his tome as his distilled voice of rolling slate nonchalantly added. "A, knock... Would have served better."

"Perhaps.." A soft, yet smug voice quickly retorts. Vyncenz only whispers an agitated sigh through his nose as he continues to write once more. Hastily combing a light marron hand through the loose array of braids, she persists, "Sylvere demands our presence, little brother, and she was rather- avid- about it might I add."

Replying with a mere scoff, "when is she not? Gather the others, Nodyav, and I will join you lot promptly."

"You misunderstand, little brother, Sylvere does not hold the patience to deal with our tardiness due to your desire to doodle your little sweetheart."

A few blinks come across him before he slowly closes the cover of his journal; quick to turn his head slightly toward her as he slips it inside his coat, "And. Who, underneath the blood moon told you that...?" He lowly inquired through grit teeth- the slight inch of his stiffening tone much of a warning in itself.

She bit, "Hjorax.." Nodyav spouts back with a haughty grin, the second youngest and a retching pain who vibrantly shared his cockiness, only hers was much more stated.

Raising a hand to massage his temples, he ignores the urge to deny her assumptions, he'd be more of a fool to play along with her needless game. "Of course," He gave her a huff. "Leave me, Nodyav, I will follow shortly."

She bit yet again, rolling her eyes as she jest, "We will then, there is no reason to have Sylvere crossed with us all due to your own antics, brother. You may meet us the-

"You will wait for me," an arrogant smirk slid across his cheeks. "So we may look apart, together. One big collective 'family', mhm?"

A dry swallow was drawn as she bared her teeth, though all she replied with was a curt nod. "Fine... brother..."

Keen eyes glazed over her figure with a dismissive stare before he turned away, "Hmph..." With that, The door slowly closed before her with an enchanted wave of his hand.

It wasn't long until the elegantly quiet tack of his dress shoes filed against the smooth stone pathways, strumming down the halls with measured haste. A final note was made in his codex before he slipped it inside his jacket, little attention paid to where he was going- like he needed to- these halls were etched in the back of his consciousness since he was shoved within these walls. Though as would the ticks of a clock find each measured cadence, never flattering; his hunters did the same.

He did not quite realize when their steps had taken his heel, though he cared little, as long as they were there. As long as the faces of the public stilled at their presence. At their carriage of obviously higher stature than the likes of every commoner that presumed their own forlorn importance. As they walked, every disciplined step matching his own pace, the crowd forked, knowing better than to get in their way. But alas, the notion of that was not what mustered his fanged grin, but it was the mumbles and whispers regarding the crowns "Dogs," that stiffened in a gulp as soon as his stare flashed toward them. Picking out their worthless figures from the crowd as they stilled like Deer held at gunpoint... He was sure they assumed he'd lash out like the vicious 'hound' they believed him and his hunters to be...

Vyn merely smiled, a chortle rupturing from the darkest depths of his throat that seemed to turn the owners of those same whispers as pale as fallen snow. They were not worth his time, for his time, was important. And one day....

His hand splayed against the old oak of Sylvere's door; need him but a flick of his chin to word his hunters that he would take entry- alone. A frigid breath came from him as he pressed the door open.

"Odewulf....." The brittle phrase of his mother's name pierced the still air, he stepped forward, Adjusting the gilded cufflinks that adored the sleeves of his expertly tailored suit as the emblem of the crown's allegiance glinted off the silver pendant around his neck. It meant nothing to him but fashion at this point. Vyncenz, head of the Crown's Infamous Bloodhounds lowered his head with the crooked sneer of a serpent arcing across his lips.

His tone of silver finally spoke. "You beckoned..?"

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