Deaths' 'Round the Corner

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Sheeeesh, these guys do not give up do they. Running as fast as I could, I didn't even dare to look back at the ugly butheads hunting me down. Name's Westy, I'm kinda....special, well my mom's words not mine. I got some pretty massive muscles in which, those ugliess don't like me for. My partner just ditched me, not surprised. I turned a corner just in time, as a bullet whizzed past my backpack.

"YO!! Not cool!" I shouted over my shoulder.

"You can't possibly think you're going to get away, FREAK!!" One of the soldiers retorted back at me. They were right on my heels, and the snow under feet made me clumsy. Why are they chasing us anyway?? I mean, blowing up the white house isn't THAT BAD!!

A few my bullets whizzed past my shoulders, and I yelped in horror, my stacked legs made me a lot faster than the soldiers on me, but I was still holding pounds of dynamite, and I HATE SNOW!!!! I tripped and fell flat on my face, clawing at the snow to get back upright and I was running again.

They were closer now, and one shot and I'd be........woah. That kinda...hurt. Everything was going in slow motion now, and some red gooey stuff started coming out of my chest. Heh, weird. My sight went dark, and my head went blank.

Idiot! I told that idiot to stick to the trees, but no "I'm faster than them, my muscles can't be beaten!" is all I get from him. I'm Tiff, the toughest chick in the Guild of Hardens.  I'm just glad I wasn't attached to the guy, he was funny, but the next prince charming.

The soldiers marched around my fallen comrade, and I watched as they plucked the bag off Westy's lifeless shoulders. The snow now stained with his enormous pool of blood. Now, I threw my hand at the group of soldiers and my hand erupted with a blast of flame that shot straight in the center of the soldiers. They all ignited in flames, and the blast was so powerful that it knocked the bag straight out of one of the soldier's hands and it went flying safely to the side.

I walked out of the clearing, and casually picked up the bag of explosives, "heh, piece of cake." I lifted my finger to my earpiece and spoke "I got it now sir, Westy didn't make it. I'm off to the White House but where are the rest of the squad?"

A rusty old voice replied in my ear "they should be in formation near Farragut Square, you'll see them. When the signal is given, you know what to do."

"We're just going to go straight headfirst at the white house?" I asked in disbelief.

"Are you questioning my orders Tiff!" he fumed. 

I bit my lip, "Gotta go, see you soon sir."

"That's what I th-" I hung up before he finished, phew. That could have gone wrong in some many ways. The snow squished underneath my feet as I carefully stalked out toward the square. There was no more cover, and my hands were already sprouting flames in fear of my life. I've never done something so, petty if that's the right word. I mean, the president may be inhabited by an alien, but does that necessarily mean we have to blow up the whole White House?

I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw a limping man waddle toward me, and incredibly fast. Poor thing, I don't want to kill him, I readied my flames as I tried to avoid looking at the man's face. He wasn't a man anymore.

"You will bow down to the King of-" I shot a flame straight into the being's mouth, and his painful cries echoed across the "distorted" streets.

I realized just how bad this was about to get, I ran "no, no, no, no!" I said to myself. Already, the crunch of snow was heard behind the wall of foggy air. Before I could shoot a flame to light my surroundings, a stinging tear in my back erupted through my spine. "AAGGHHH!" I cried. I fell on my stomach, shooting flames in all directions. "NO, NO, GO AWAY YOU DISGUSTING THINGS!" 

I knew my end had come when they unleashed themselves upon me and my body was torn piece by piece. I screamed in agony, as my slow death reared its ugly head around the corner. The only thing I felt was the bag I had held, leave my fingers.

The crunching snow underneath my feet wasn't heard by the creatures as my fellow Harden was wailing in pain to her death. Astrin's my name, or what the Guild calls me, Coward Invisi-boy. Well, this coward invisi-boy was about to single-handedly save the world from disgusting aliens.

I made it to the Square, toot sweet, only to see my comrade's fighting a billion goblin looking....people. I focused on transmitting my energy to the bag full of explosives as I ran through the crowd of fighting beings. No one saw me creep over the hedges, no one saw me leap over a dead corpse, and no one saw me weep over my dead girlfriend.

Putting on my big boy pants I made my way right to the front gates of the White House, skeptical of why no one even thought to guard it. Hmm oh well, once I saw the all clear, I let down my invisible cloak and opened the bag. Inside was the magnificent smell of gunpowder, wires, and metal.

"AAaaahhh," I rolled my shoulders, right, I'm about to save the world, I need to be serious. Can I help it, if I'm a nerd at heart??

I took out the encoder, and sensors, plugging them up to each and every bomb in there. They might be small, but these explosives were going to stretch so wide, the people in California might be able to see a blink of light.

"Yes! Now all I got to do is press it, my name will be on all the history books now."

A deep breath sounded behind me, "WRONG!!!" I turned just in time to see an orange man putting a gun to my forehead.

"What the heck Trump!" But right as I said it, I knew Trump wasn't behind those pure evil eyes.

Before I knew it, I was in an elevator, and when the doors opened....."Huh, this is what heaven looks like."

"I have the bomb! Do not hold back my brothers!!! Take the lives of every human on the face of this earth!!! HA HA HA HA!!"

 I am the general of the Makooes, and I've been in this sad excuse of a man for years. Now I can shove my victory right in front of Mako the Great, and take my place as the next Mako.

I picked up the remote and thought to myself, maybe my name will be Mako the Wise, OH or Mako the Incredible, mhmm no, too much. Not noticing, I started to hear a small beeping sound, I looked down at my hand to see the button pressed, and a light flaring on the remote.

Maybe, Mako the moronic, I sadly admitted as my sight was blown to ash.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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